YouTube - Anti-Camping Advert A parody of the Anti-Piracy (Piracy is a crime - "You wouldn't steal a car, etc.) advert set in a Halo 3 context against people who camp in matchmaking.
That was ok. The Halo font was getting on my nerves since that is all that is in it. The music went well with it. It was kinda funny.
Music is removed. EDIT: MY BAD, IT WAS MUTED, YET i HAVNT MUTED IN YOUTUBE AT ALL LOL (soz caps ) Nice video tough, v funny
I used the same timings as the original, so the amount of text in this is the same as the amount in the original. The original was very annoying because of this (as well as its message) and many people hate the ad XD Sorry if it got on your nerves, but I'm almost glad it did as it has the same effect as the original. I hope you also read the smaller text which briefly flashes at the bottom of each part with text
That was great though i think you could have gone without the tiny print. IMO it was a distracting attempt at humor, that wasn't that funny when i spent the time to read it.
That was a good one. I saw another one of these about halo in general. And i have really had enough of that piracy thing to. Its just annoying in front of every movie i am illegally watching. Yeah the halo font was annoying too. It just does not look great.