using the picture that was shown on Bungie day, the skull was already found.... It looks like it is the skull, but it may be a mistake because the picture gets blurry- it could simply be a light or some scenery. YouTube - New footage! LONGSHORE SKULL Not fake
...Really? Thats not the skull. The skull is way to big for where it is placed and how far away it is. Look at the other Mythic skulls they are odd ball sized, if that was really the skull there you would not be able to see it. And if you say well these new map skulls might be bigger they are not. Why? Because Bungie made all these six maps around the same time because they were going to release them all at once.
Good point. Other than that, it did look pretty convincing. I remember when someone thought they found the skull on Orbital before it was released but it wasn't actually the skull. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Looks like a skull to me, unless Bungie put a random abnormal figure on top of the crane for no apparent reason. But who knows, it could be anything.
It's hard to tell. I highly doubt Bungie would be so short sighted to release a screenshot that has the skull in it. To me, the spot looks like that white spot towards the right but on the back part of the...stick out...thing... It'll be the first place I'll look but I'm confident it isn't where it is.
Yah, now that you mention it, that makes sense, Bungie wouldn't do that type of bone head thing. But you never know, Bungie is Bungie, they could feel pity for us or something.
it looks to me like that would be outside an elastic barrier, and i don't think bungie would put the skull way out there. It also looks to big.
Yea, thats why I was saying that it is probably a mistake, I was looking at it and it does look like a light or something.
i think i can clear all this up. that is not the skull, it is... LingLing's head lolololol the skull is directly behind it.
After watching that vid, I refuse to believe that the 'skull' is anymore then a light effect on part of the crane. "On july 7th bungie realesed a sneak peek of the new maps.." And throughout the vid there are annotations promting you to rate the vid 5 starts etc. I looked at his vid and found no further details of the promised "Bungie inside details", just other people's vids that he's re-uploaded. Nonetheless, this isn't about the vid, it's about the skull. Common sense would not let Bungie put it in plain view, but if that is where the skull is, we'll be able to get on top of that main building. The invisible barriers would have to be complicated as hell to stop people escaping the map.
I think you can see the same structture outside foundry and in campaign lets look on top of those and see if theres anything simmilar on top.
i know this is off topic but Longshore looks like the campaign level Flood gate right before you enter the building. On topic, it looks too big, but nice try.