This map is made for any size party and it a FFA map. Its hard to describe how the map changes because it changes completely four different times, so I will just show you the pictures. In the beginning: After 45 seconds: After 1 minute: After 90 seconds: After 2 minutes: After 150 seconds: After 3 minutes: Gametype: There are no weapons on map, because I primarily made it for a snipers game mode, but you can choose whatever starting weapon you want. I suggest no shield, snipers, unlimited ammo, 1 bonus point for headshot, no grenades, 3 seconds respawn time, 1 second respawn invulnerability/headshot immunity, and a 5 minute long rounds. Make sure you aren't on the ground level when the boxes spawn. I tried to make the boxes close together so if the boxes respawns ontop of you it will shoot you upwards or shoot you under the map. From what I tested it is possible to get caught along the edges of the map when the boxes respawn. That is why I put dumpsters and boxes on the bottom level. Plus, that is why the gametype I used has a time limit. When the game is 90 seconds over you better make sure you aren't on the ground. And there are teleporters outside the map that are instant kill if you fall outside. Download it here Leave a comment.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Very Interesting Concept, do your spawn points change as well? or is it possible for someone to spawn under a box mid-game?
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Wow dude, that is a very clever concept, good job.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute What if your under a box when it spawns?
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute This looks awesome, cant wait to play! -donuts
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Yeah any idea when its supposed to be finished? I wish people would recognize my maps more.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Maybe if you wrote more than 4 posts you'd be more recognizable.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Haha, my map was finished. I just forgot to post the link to the map before I went to work. My bad, here it is: Thanks for the comments. There are spawn points on the bottom but if a spawn point is blocked (which they are, by the boxes after 90 seconds) then it won't be used. If you are under a box when you are spawned many things can happen. You can either get shot up in the air, pushed to the side, or pushed under the map. If you are pushed to the side then you might get stuck along the edges. I tried to make it so you won't get pushed to the side by making every box overlap (i tried the best I could, but there are still some boxes where they isn't any overlapping), so if you get pushed sideways you can get stuck in those areas (where they don't overlap). I couldn't find any way to prevent this, overlapping the boxes was the best I could. That was the main reason I used a time limit though, so you know you better get out of there when your 90 seconds into the game.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute voodoo. you have inspired me. I have a new idea for a map now, when the BTSP map is released you can be like "I inspired ze Sarge woooo" and I realized that was completely narcissistic, that was one of my rare displays of it.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Er, it might just be a solo release for an app. But same rule applies
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Voodoo, I didn't realize you were Ninni. You have some pretty impressive maps, mad props.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute No adverts, you're coming with me to prison young man. Map looks interesting, btw.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute But... but... but I didn't mean to ;D. I didn't think that was bad because I didn't post a link or say play it. If that is advertising I will take it off. Edit: I took it off anyway. I guess I can't make a joke about being better at forging than you guys, that really gets you going .
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute at least people notice your maps, according to Mr. high-and-mighty-internets-man, my low ammount of posts is keeping people away from mine.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Are you referring to me JoeKool? Cuz I said that to someone, and I'm not high-and-mighty, I've just learned stuff through experience.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute All im sayin is that post number shouldent make the map