Asbalt by UndoingChales and K Hood1 Description: A soon to be TectoniX classic, this map captures the feel and needs of a small map. The map has a shape that concentrates the flow of battle to the middle for organized classic competitive gameplay. This map is equipped with a special overhanging walkway that overlooks the two bases. This is not overpowering at all due to easy access. The power weapons are a sniper and two needlers. Great weapons, but not overpowering because in a small map like this... strafing is easy. Not much to say that the pictures and movie wont tell you. Soooo.... Enjoy.... Layout: as you can see it is an oblong figure eight YouTube - Asbalt Map Video Pictures!!!: Spoiler Spawnz(fixed... blue and red now spawn at their base): Shrine: Stage: Stairs: Attic (Top Left): OverHang: Overview of Freeway: Opening to Stairs from Freeway: Window: FunShotz: Spoiler Enjoy!!!!! Try to find the 2 hidden Easter Eggz P.S. if you guys like the video then PM me or UndoingChales to edit/capture your map, we can make a deal. <<<DOWNLOAD HERE or Tiddiedangle>>> THANK YOU BARTOGE FOR HELPS W/Spawns If you find the hidden easter eggs (1 in the movie, 1 in the thread) then PM me or UndoingChales about what they are!
Hmm, this map looks pretty good, i saw this on another site not a while back and was quite impressed. I really think a weapon list would be nice to better understand it although you do have a video which explains alot. I really like that center hall way that you have and i have to say that the map looks very clean. Good job.
Well, I think I found one of the easter eggs (!!!RAPE!!!) but anywayz...What I like about this map is it is very simple as far as the design and layout goes, and the forging is nice. A player could get accustomed to this map very easily, and that is helpful. That video was well done also, and the gameplay looks quite fun. I also like the fact that it is fully enclosed (including a roof), so no problems as far as escapability goes. Overall this looks nice and I will dl and give it a try.
Wow, I loved that video (apart from the music) great map you have here too, seriously its one of the better maps I've seen lately. Btw, could you do a video for my map that I'm going to post hopefully soon? (Couldn't find your pm thingy, I'm using my phone right now)
I agree that video definatley showed of the map very well very neat forging and what looks like some interesting gameplay well forged.
This map looks awesome I really like the Overhang Idea and you interlocking is superb great video couldn't hear the music the fade in fade out thingy is a great idea 5/5
Played this map b4 and its a lot of fun. This videos the **** too. Are you tectonix? or did u have tectonix make the video for u? cuz i need a good video maker
I have not played this yet but in the video i saw a few gaps where i think nades might fall through other than that tough. This looks awesome, im dl'ing and running customs right now. People pm me if you wana come and play =)
why is the creator banned? i'd like to contact him. watever i played this again on oddball and that was off teh chain nuckleheads
You have got to be kidding me, you have stupidly put in your GT again so even without checking your IP its obvious your the same person.. reported.