Okay, at about 9:30pm today (13/07/09), I got a report back from my McAfee antivirus. It had just finished a full scan, and this time it had picked up three unwanted programs. The keygen.rar is a program I recognise. I used it to install a program I downloaded illegally with utorrent (won't go into details). It obviously unpacked the generic dropper viruses when I extracted it. The other one I have no idea about. I may have got it from when I installed the IRC chat thing "mIRC". I may have got it from the same place, I dunno. But it contains two artemis files. So is there anything I can do? Any advice? Should I trust my McAfee's quarantine procedure to keep the viruses safe? P.S: At current, I'm running a malware thing that X5 gave to me (thanks for that, sweeney). It's a Microsoft thing that detects any malware. These things are obviously buried deep in my computer. They're both in my windows files and my computer's self-search function can't find them.
Thats what System Restore is for! Theres always that option of System Restore, but the down part is you have to reinstall all the freaking **** on your comp again!
Dont system restore. Download AVG's avast antivirus. Reboot in safe mode, scan the system, remove viruses, reboot in normal mode, and scan again. Download microsoft's windows defender and ad aware and repeat the process if the trojans aren't gone.
That's three in a row. Anyone else want to be cliche, a ****-all or just a wanker in general? Then please step forward.
Seriously, so I should DL Avast, Run in safe mode (how?), scan, then go back to normal mode (again, how?) and scan again... It's worth saying that I used the malware thing to scan all of my stuff and it didn't find the trojans at all.
Yessir, no problemo sir. Eh, my thought would be to run ClamAV offa an Ubuntu LiveCD, but that seems like way too much work for such a small problem...
Okay, I'm using my downstairs computer now because when I restarted my computer to complete the installation of Avast, and Avast started a full scan and I can't get on my laptop. How is this a small problem Nemi? Also, is it good or bad that the MS malware detector didn't find any viruses after my McAfee quarantined the files? Should I trust my antivirus's quarantine procedure?
Well, small problem to me, I suppose. Usually when I get angry at my OS I just wipe it. I realized now that you don't have the same luxury.
you asked if you should trust McAfee's quarantine procedure... while it is ultimately up to you, let me tell you that i have had about 20-30 trojans on my computer (i need a better firewall, lol) but ALL of them have been successfully quarentined by McAfee. Trojans usually have a trigger or timer built into the programming, so if your virus software caught it early it will be contained.
That's good. Avast didn't find them, but I think that proves that McAfee's quarantine is safe. The trokans appear to have turned into generic PUP files now. Maybe their 'timer' reached 0 at some point today? Oh well, I've learned a valuable lesson: THE 11KB KEYGEN IS A LIE!!
AVG's a very good (free) software to download. May I also suggest Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware? I've used it a few times and it turns out to be pretty successful too. Just with these two pieces of freeware it makes scanning and removing the malicious stuff a little easier.
when my computer got a virus i had to erase the hard drive but if you do that make shure you save all of your important stuff on to an external hard drive
When you shut down your computer it should give you a boot screen. If it doesn't press F11 or F12 and it will bring it up. You can then boot in safe mode. Avast already scans for viruses the first time you reboot your computer but it would be wise to scan again once its on and reboot in normal mode (which will happen automatically). McAfee is malware.
Get Norton Antivirus, I had McAfee and quite frankly, It sucked. I could ask one of my friends that had alot of trojan viruses, He gave a whole explaination on how he got rid of them, but I didn't pay attention cause I was too dumb to even talk to him.
I just got this virus about a week ago, I am assuming it was from either limewire or the torrent I had downloaded. Anyway, I really don't have anything on my computer that I care about, besides all my artwork, I just threw in the recovery disk.
Normally I would still be mad about the time you commented on my first map D: but I will help you anyway. I recommend using Kaspersky if you do not have Windows 7. It is fully compatible with every other operating system made by Microsoft. If you have Windows 7, I recommend using AVG for 7. Follow the instructions and you should get the paid versions of each for free. Kaspersky: Kaspersky.rar AVG: AVG.rar You're welcome.
Lol, same. There are like hundreds of YouTube vids along the lines of "How to put Super Smash Brothers Brawl on a PSP" and then they litterally put the game disc on the psp