Well It indeed would be hard even if you shrink the ships down to a pulp, not to mention you won't have enough planes to make it worth while. If you wanted it to be even 2 banshes and 2 hornets on each side isn't much compared to about 16 planes you can get on battlefront 2. Many people would get left behind on the ship and have to use turrets or do something else. Maybe a land match would be good.
Theres an interesting idea. Have hangars with the flying vehichles, and then have space stations with teleporters and bridges to conect them so its a Space battle and Foot battle. I'm accually stocked up on ideas.
yeah i like the idea of the hangers like pjfan said you could have the hangers in the skybox and then the teleporters in the hanger leading to the the middle one and from there a whole bunch of bunkers and stuff and a hut for weapons or something with a gauss hog
I have a map almost exactly like that pjfan, minus the teleporters. It supports 5v5 (2 in banshees, 3 in transport hornet) and there's a norm hornet in middle at the "space station" it should be posted in about a week, still tweeking stuff.
If you made it so that it was assault(or just territories), could there be more than 2 bombs at the same time so each team would get their own? To get into the other ship, you would need air based vehicles, so banshees and could be used as fighters, and hornets for transport. I really like this idea, but when this is done a lot of it will be heavily based on the ship's aesthetics.