No, the wood bridge is only for if you don't use the vehicles or equipment, also putting the things in the dunes would be a bad idea, remember this has to be able to be used as a canvas. No, none of the default objects can be deleted and no new ones can be spawned. Also it is very capable to interlock default objects, you just have to take a different approach.
This seems interesting, I'm gonna see what I can cook up X3. Also, a few questions-- 1. May we use FX? 2. Are we allowed to delete any unneeded spawn points? 3. The map MUST be on the Ground Level, correct?
ok so when u say we can only use the default items you are talking about the items that were on sandbox when we first downloaded sandbox right? also we can use 1 large wooded bridge and 1 weapon holder and thats the only things we can add?
Yeah, he means That everything we dont use has to go unto the wooden bridge, and NOTHING! NOTHING can be deleted...
DAAAANG... I just realized that Default Items can't be interlocked using the Spawn At Start method D= This is much harder than I thought XD
the old way of geomerging can also be used for interlox, it's a lot more time consuming but it still works. and also, i dont thnink you can delete the spawns because he said it needs to be a "canvas map of sorts" and the oln canvases have all the original spawns. also quick question: do we get bonus points for making it work with every gametype?
1. No, none were on default sandbox, 2. No. 3. Incorrect, any level of sandbox. The 1 Wood Bridge and weapon holder are to place any unused weapons and vehicles on, all scenery items must be used and the wood bridge or weapon holder can not be part of the map. There are a bunch of roundabout ways of doing it and like someone said the old geo method works aswell. Quality over quantity. If it plays one gametype amazingly then it will be likely to be in the top contenders. However it it comes down to two maps that play most gametypes equally, the map that plays the most gametypes the best will win.
So, is the default Sandbox item set our template? Or are we supposed to use every scenery object and other objects to make a map? Are we supposed to make a template with only the original items? I am confused.
Default Sandbox item set, all of the scenery objects in default Sanbox(already placed on the map) must be used.
I didnt realize that there was so much time to do this contest until just now. Ill be participating in this contest with Eh Eh Inhale.
I never have a problem interlocking the default items, you set it to NO at start, set up your guides, start a new round, place your item, and repeat. I know your item sometimes resets its location to where it was beforehand or doesn't disappear right away, but it does dissapear after a few second of spinning in a circle of mind numbing boringness aswell as if it resets location the teardrop remains and you can interlock and just save/quit. When you load it back up everything will be where you placed it, it doesn't seem to frustrate me as much as people complain about it.
TaK Polymerase (3:33:57 PM): guys ask if you can interlock TaK Polymerase (3:34:14 PM): tell him yes as long as they are default items
Contest isn't set to end for another 15 or so minutes but this is the last time I have to be on a computer before it ends. My computer recently took a turn for the worst and have been working feverishly to get it back to its former glory. I lost a lot of information when my computer went down and as such I have not been able to run or promote this contest as I would have wished to. The lack of responses is also upsetting but I can't complain with how poorly it was ran. Congrats to yourself, clearly the best map following all the rules of the contest and can actually be used as a canvas for the sky bubble. PMing for a lock now.