Here's 4 random screenshots that I took earlier today after reading some tutorials on effects here at ForgeHub, I took a shot at my own screenshots. Check them out. Blue Mist Gunslinger Turncoat Sole Survivor Enjoy~
How can you determine which of your screenshots are the best? People may like the first one or the secon one better. Just saying. I like the first one the best, very simplistic but good and solid. I hate nova. It sux.
I didn't really mean the best, but my favorite. Also, I don't recall using Nova in any of these screenshots. O_O Thanks for the feedback though!
I really rofled at your first comment. I never noticed that. XD And I didn't use the Nova FX on Gunslinger, are you talking about a different kind of nova?
They're all ok, just some plain old effects, I like the last one the best, it looks like it's flaming recon!
Haha I noticed the first picture without looking at the comments. Sole Survivor would be my favorite. You could of cut off most of the right side by centering the spartan. All the other I dont really like that much. They are to plain.
Sooo ... was it a modded film you took the pic in, or did you get a Bungie Employee to pose for you (which I highly doubt)? Also, the pics are pretty good. I like the first one the most. Very simple, pretty clean. I like it. The other are okay. If the magnum wasn't in the way of "gunslinger," it'd look better.
Modded film... And yeah I was trying to get Gunslinger while I was throwing the Regenerator so it was just his face, but it just wouldn't work out...
I like "Turncoat" but I want to know- how do you create the effect? Is it the sand on Sandbox combined with red and blue lights? Or is it a Golf hole?