Why is this?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gr4phix, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Hey guys, I was just wondering this :

    I love the game "Fallout 3" but everytime I play it I get scared. Even if I play when talking to a friend on Fallout 3. I use the PC version and even if I use cheats I'm still scared. I really don't want to use cheats but I get so freaked out I feel I have too. Think it could just be because I'm not used to an "Open-World" game? I've never played a game like that before except for like Everquest II, Maplestory, like non-shooter RPGs.

    Can anyone help me? I'd really like to play it. =/

    PS: I know it sounds stupid but it just happens for some reason.
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    What do you mean by scared? Like your shitting yourself in fear of something jumping out at you? Or you are just overwhelmed by the fact its an open world game?
  3. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Like I really get freaked out, like "HOLY **** WHATS GONNA HAPPPENNNN!? D:"
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Take some deep breaths, take your ADHD medicine, smoke some weed, whatever it takes to calm you down.

    Then just play the game dude, and try to stay chill. It's really not even a game.
  5. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Awh. thats cute.

    Maybe just stop playing? or grow some balls.

    Joking.. But yeah, im a ***** when it comes to that stuff too, like i couldnt go in the subways because my friend told me to crank my tv to hear a radio and get a rare item, but it was just screaming ghouls and i pissed my pants. and like i cant even watch the video with a fake micheal jackson ghost..

    Some people are naturally scared of things man, its all good. i just suggest that you stop playing it in general.
  6. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Dude, don't play Morrowind if yoou follow the campaign, that was the scariest RPG moments I've had...
    The campaign of Morrowind is ending a cult.
    The worst was terrible lighting (yeah I tried changing it on my TV, didn't help) in the scary rooms (obviously) so you all of a sudden lose a lot of health and have things jump at you.
    Try playing the game in the daytime and switch to like CoD or Halo at night...
  7. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    You have guns in that game for a reason lol a ghoul suprises you unload on it

    P.S one thing I dont recommend if your scared dont go into the Dunwich Building!!!! or get the gauss rifle I feel very safe with that.
  8. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Ya, I was like that at first for Fallout. All of the scenery is so Dark and I'd always feel like something was either following me, or watching me. Then my solution was to play on my friends account which had these killer guns that would make me feel badass. I remember my first days of BioShock... Gotta love those Splicers.
  9. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Bioshock was (and still is) awesome. It had the creepy aura around the whole city, like you were experiencing something that God didn't intend to happen. The events in the game were so ****ed up you couldn't wait for more.
    #9 mastersync23, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  10. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    fear 2 scares the **** out of me and all i've seen is that "holy **** it's a bear!" clip
  11. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Dude, I feel for you. Just watching FEAR 2 scared the hell out of me, and playing Oblivion and Fallout 3 (before my friend cheated me out of it, but that's another story) also scare me at times. That's why I only play in the day. I usually join a party, or my two younger brothers are watching me play, and that helps not make me scared because my younger brothers or the people in the party that I'm in are usually doing stupid stuff that takes my mind off of the scary things.

    The scariest Fallout 3 monster I would say is a Deathclaw. They scare the crap out of me...
  12. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Yeah, when I was younger I used to be too scared to play games like resident evil.I was afraid that if I didn't pause fast enough, that they would come through the TV.
  13. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    pokemon blue and red also were pretty scary. i would piss my pants in that ****ing tower in lavendar town.
  14. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Holy **** i would do the same thing! Except it was Zelda for me. When i played Zelda ocorina of time when i was young i would be so scared shitless to go into any of the dungeons. I would only travel during day and at night or day just stay and rome in the towns. I would play the game for hours but not progress at all. LOL

    And omg that wood maze place in zelda.
  15. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    lol i remember my first day of dead rising.. holy ****!!! id fear ever1 wud tern in2 zombies and beat te crap out of me! i was only comfterable playing it around other people. but now im older and ok with it.

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