I've already got an amazing idea for it, but I'm not sure if it'll work out yet. I don't want to spill my guts about it either or someone will just make the same thing, but not how I imagined it...
A lot of avalanches forging capabilities were hampered by the style of double boxes. You had to interlock everysingle one or else it was bumpy as hell. The double box in the picture looks the same as the ones on Avalanche. THis won't bother some people, but it annoyed me.
I think Forging on Longshore might be like Last Resort, but with immovable objects. Like those maps which have the base blocked in, I'm sure people will make lots of maps like that on Longshore.
Bungie placed an Overshield dangerously close to a turret, and 3 BRs less then 2 average jumps from each other. Also, the arm I highly doubt will extend, seeing as I can tell that there's an 80% that the middle building is only 2 storeys, seeing as there is nothing to walk out and get a good shot at, on the second level, there is a space to walk about and pick up an energy sword (Beam Rifle?), and enough space to do a jump to the turret and do an energy sword lunge (Energy Sword would work perfectly there, lunge at the person on the turret). The stairs to the second level in Longshore use one stairs going to half of the first level in one direction, and then another set of stairs going the other direction to the second level. Instructions to find Overshield: Look for the Garage-style door near the turret. You'll notice it's actually a roof over a ramp descending into the background. This ramp is almost a direct copy of the Overshield spawn on The Pit, there are two ramps descending towards a flat strip of land which houses the Overshield.
do you really think that you can jump from the sword to the turret? also, is still don't see the OS , circle it or something.
Zoom in close enough and you'll notice you can see half the glow of a overshield, you need a non-minimized picture though so it doesn't become low detailed.
well i see what your talking about but there are a couple ways that won't be an issue. 1) its not easy to get from the OS to the turret (maybe thats a window) 2) either the turret/OS isn't going to be in MM 3) Its not actually an OS, maybe some sort of light But if it is really easy to get from that OS to that turret, it may or may not be an issue, it really depends on if taht is a high traffic area or not.
I made a map of stuff and posible stuff and i noticed the other island, so could you have to float there on a dingie to be stealthy or take a bridge in the open, though it may be like narrows where there is more than one bridge though you cant get to them KEY RED: Guess on the item BLACK: I know for sure what it is
I hope that those double boxes and crates are immovable. That would be a pain in the ass to keep using teleporter nodes and weapon holders. Also, It looks like it'll play like a symmetrical version of Terminal, but CQ like Turf. It sounds good to me, so I'm not complaining until I play the map. I just don't want to be disappointed like with Avalanche.
they have to be immovable, why on earth would bungie do that by making them movable? The map appears to be pretty well forgeable. i doubt they are movable
All i can say is that longshore has a slight simalarity btween the campaign level in Halo 3 Floodgate, it looks like the building you enter in the beginning of the level. It does have a few differences from the level like multiple floors, and water, but it has the dull, flood looking effect. I doubt Longshore being the Multi island idea as it does not apear it to be on an island at all, plus the fact that it looks so damn dull, it's like gloomyx10. Floating Elephants?.... I dunno maybe the elphants don't float, but maybe there in the shallow part of the water and you drive them out. One last thing, I've been out of the Map Foundry using a glitch, and it also bears a simalarity to Longshore.
it looks like it'll play in a very fun way with CQC and sniping balanced. it reminds me of pipeline from COD4. I wonder how it'll play with shotty snipes...
I read somewhere that Longshore was ssupposed to be a port on either New Mombasa or Old Mombasa, but I'm not sure which one.
pretty much what we know about the map Mombasa theme assymetrical will probably work with most vehicles not an island beach design has an overshield, and possibly some good unique forging items has double boxes