Sandbox Fallen

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by oB2Ko Mario, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. oB2Ko Mario

    oB2Ko Mario Ancient
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    Jump: Fallen

    A map made by oB2Ko Mario​

    Yes, before you go on, this is a Jump map. I named it "Fallen" after my clan's name. And to be honest, I've only played three jump maps (Evolver, Flaming Ninja, and Hayabusa Training), but Evolver was the map that really prompted me to make this. This is my first time making a jump map, and if it gets good feedback, then I'll try to make more challenging maps in the future.

    Map: link to Fallen
    Gametype: Well, any gametype will do, but be sure to include a gametype that allows grenades.

    And excuse my egotistical manner in that link; I did that in an attempt to get more people to download my map (and it didn't work out very well)

    And as I've said, this is my first time making a jump map, and I've only seen three other jumping maps, so I don't know what's "original" and what isn't "original" in my map. All I know is that my map includes things that probably shouldn't be included in any jump map.

    The starting point. Gives the name of the map and a nice little teleporter to get you going.

    Stage 1: the Crypt. This is a nice, short jump stage that'll begin your journey to victory.

    Stage 2: the Mainland. This was originally going to be the first stage of the map (hence why it's so much shorter), but it was moved to stage 2 because it was harder than the Crypt. And be careful of the end teleporter; jumping headfirst into it won't be the best idea you'll have.
    And yes, that IS a broken column/grav lift combo you see there.

    Stage 3: the Sky. Now things get a little harder. Hayabusa Training directly influenced the block-to-block wall jumps. Be careful of that early teleporter, the carpet bomb, and the double killballs. And yes: the double grav-lift part was directly influenced by Evolver's near-end double grav-lifts.
    And the golf-ball jump was inspired by Flaming Ninja's soccer ball part. Don't ask how it got to be like that.

    And once you make it to the goal, a nice little prize awaits you. You can take that prize with you to the start of the stage, and try to beat the map a second time :D

    Anyway, yeah. I was trying to make a so-called "hard" map, and I'll be honest: I personally can't beat it in one run. But I have personally tested every jump on the map, and everything works out fine. I just hope all of you will have fun in completing this map :)

    And again, if this gets good feedback, I'll try to make more maps, and I'll even come back to this one and make it even harder!
    #1 oB2Ko Mario, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009

    Senior Member

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    ya it is very hard but addictive i wont quit untill i win!!
  3. oB2Ko Mario

    oB2Ko Mario Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment :D

    Anyone else want to comment? I've lurked the forums and heard of terms such as "ghost jumps" and "corner jumps", and I want to know what they are so I can potentially use them for an updated version of this map :D
  4. oB2Ko Mario

    oB2Ko Mario Ancient
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    Gonna bump one more time, because I'm eventually going to make a sequel to this and no one's giving me crits on this one :<
  5. RedXxXBuddha

    RedXxXBuddha Ancient
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    Ok after trying it out it seems to be more like a jump/obstacle course. which would probably be explained by the jumping maps that you have played. It's very challenging but not too hard to complete. You should probably put in some checkpoints somewhere so you don't have to redo everything the whole entire map everytime you die. Overall I would rate this 7/10

    And if you want to learn about ghost jumps or any other jumps i'll be happy to show you sometime.
    #5 RedXxXBuddha, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  6. AX7Irish nade

    AX7Irish nade Ancient
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    looks good i like how it starts off simi easy then gets harder so that if u fall u dont get too angery i will downlaod. only one question... are the kill balls there for a reason? if u mess up do they kill you or are they just for looks?
  7. oB2Ko Mario

    oB2Ko Mario Ancient
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    Oh, most of them are there for a reason

    First kill-ball can potentially kill you in all three stages, while the two close together present an interesting little jump for you once you hit stage 3

    Final kill-ball actually is just for show

    Thanks for the rate :D

    Like I said, this map was directly influenced mostly by Evolver, so the idea of "checkpoints" didn't occur to me
    but as soon as I get some more Microsoft Points and renew Bungie Pro, I'll be making a sequel. Thanks to going over a bunch of maps and lurking around seeing other maps, I have a ton of ideas for the next map. Namely, I plan on getting some radio tower dominoes going, a longer trip through the Guardians trap, Turret jumping, Gravity Hammer flying, teleporter jumping, and an unskippable Pallet Jump section

    and this map wasn't made with a money-glitched canvas. I intend on improving this with a money-glitched stacked variant
  8. RedXxXBuddha

    RedXxXBuddha Ancient
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    sounds like the next one will be even better i'll be looking forward to it
  9. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

    Senior Member

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    This map is the mostt addicting jump/obstacle course ever. I played it a couple of times and the farthest i got was in the sky bubble the second killball. Overall its awsome i give it a 4/5 nice job man

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