Jump on it This is a jumping map that was made by me and a couple friends(Incarnadine Soul and Dak 393). It is in the skybubble of sandbox and features many different types of jumps. This map is meant for one person but can be played with as many people as you want. make sure everyone is on the same team to prevent killing That's about it for an explanation and here are the links: Gametype:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Map:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Now onto the pics: Overview #1 Overview #2 The spawn area. Starting jumps with a slide jump after Shoot the pallet and jump off the pieces simple right? Grenade jump off of a turret? Upside down turrets First checkpoint Pallet jumping and second checkpoint Edge ghost with some baracades after Move quickly or die Trust me it's harder than it looks One final edge ghost before the end The end. Can you reach it?
this looks ok but im going to download and the only reason is the turrets i HATE turets so maybe you could put some angeld stones or thin walls in the place of the turets hope this helped
lol great level I'm not that good at jumping but this map is really challenging I would be surprised if someone beat it. Why hasn't this gotten more activity? Overall great map more people need to play this!
i love these types of maps coz u dont have 2 start all over agine if u fall or something. and its good coz its not 2 easy or not 2 hard good job.
lol, i beat it, quite quickly actually. Anyways its a pretty good jump map, considering its an open jump map its very neat, good job.
wow nice job! didn't think anyone would at least not this fast. there are teleporters in the power ups and fusion coils blocking the receiver once you get to the checkpoint you hit the fusion coils they explode and allow you to go right back to that spot.