YouTube - Teen Girl Falls In Open Manhole While Texting Does it piss anyone else off how the mother is saying "They walked what? like 15 whole feet away!!" The cones should have been here when they lifted it!" Well maybe the street workers weren't thinking ahead, but then again, your daughter is the one who cant multitask. What a dumbass, how can we be sure she would see a big orange cone if she cant even see a huge ass hole in the ground. Then they go on about how she has scrapes and bruises* and the medical bills are piling up..... I would slap the mom and explain to her what a ****ing band-aid is. Sorry for the language, but gawd, some people are stupid.
Wow, I'd have to admit that the colour of the actuall manhole itself isn't that noticable. So the cone might have helped. But that's lol material, texting. That's as good as it gets.
What a brave girl, she's made the decision to live without that shoe. But seriously, an astonishing display of incompetence on both parts.
There should really be protocol on leaving open manholes unattended. In addition, this girl needs too do less texting and walking at the same time. It's a giant gapping hole and ya know what I bet at least some of us here would fall in the sewer as well.
I thought this said that she fell in a man's hole. Lol. Also, who puts manholes in the sidewalk? Normal people have them in the road.
The cone should have been there, yes. But, children these days need to either learn how to multi-task, or just not text. What makes this even whole event even more ridiculous, is that her dumbass friend didn't even notice!
Who the hell texts with their arm all the way to the side of their body at shoulder level? No one.. Now, who texts with their phone close to the center of their body at chest level? Ya..
Exactly which would make the hole still visible. I wonder whatwould happen if she visited the grand canyon texting...
A lawyer must have said to her "you deserve beter! you should sue them!" or something along those lines. Who thinks it's acceptable to just sue outright for not looking where you were going? If she'd have walked into a lamp post would she have sued the council for putting it there?
I think the real victim here is her friend of who she was texting. I mean, that text message probably came a little later than what was hoped.
First off Dumbassery isnt a word. Second of all, They're suing the city for leaving an open manhole.. Pay attention dumbass. As for the vid... i lol'd
"Medical bills are mounting" Hahaha, the huge bills to go get a damn band-aid from the store is so huge, I feel bad for the family.