Remake of Metropolis (Halo 2 Campaign Map)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Teltaur, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. Teltaur

    Teltaur Ancient
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    Well, if you played Halo 2, you most likely remember the level Metropolis, the second (and final) Earth-themed mission. I'm trying to recreate one section of the level for multiplayer use. If you remember, it's the area you arrive at after exiting the Covenant-controlled tunnels (also where a Gauss Hog is waiting for you).

    Well, here's my effort at recreating this area:

    So, does anyone have suggestions on how to make this map better? Also, again, I know I'm not the best Forger out there, I'm pretty new to Forging and have a lot to improve on, but I'm still enthusiastic about mapping.
  2. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    This looks like it could be a really good slayer map. The map so far looks great..just keep on making the surrounding wall so people can't get out of the map. Other than that I don't know what to put in it...weapons, 1 ghost, 1 warthog. IDK.
  3. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Raise the platforms that have the plasma turrets. In Halo 2 you couldn't jump on to them from the ground floor.

    Remove the obelisks, replace them with something larger that you can walk underneath.
  4. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    you could make the whole map a circle and base it off of what you have already.
  5. Teltaur

    Teltaur Ancient
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    Well, just a simple update. I've added part of the dividing wall, as well as started on the bridge and 2nd section of the map.

    Also, I could use some help from anyone who can geomerge neatly, I generally suck at it and will need to do it to finish the wall and bridge sections.
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    I love Campaign remakes!!! Well, anyway, this does look really cool. I wonder though, have you thought about the spawns? As with any Campaign remake, you're going to have to figure out a way to place fair multiplayer spawn points into an area not originally designed for them. Be aware that you may want to add or remove certain structures to incorporate safe spawns into your map.
  7. used man

    used man Ancient
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    I can geomerge pretty well. send me a FR.
  8. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    This is probably the part of Halo 2 Campaign that I remember the best, because it was one of my favorite parts of it. I'd love to see the final project, and play test it if you need testers (and if it'll be playable). I would like to see a vehicle or two in this map, it's use wouldn't be much for movement, but power. I remember good times of tearing this spot up with the Guass Hog. Good job so far, keep it up.
  9. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Right, add a gauss Hog to the map. And maybe make it and asymmetric objective game where one defending team starts on the island and attackers start at the sewers.
  10. Teltaur

    Teltaur Ancient
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    Well, I need everyone's opinion on something before I continue.

    I've already started on the section where the Wraith waits (beyond the wall), but if I continue it, it'll be shrunk from the original size, be plagued by camping issues at the wall break (only 2 entrances, even with more it would be camped pretty easily), and use up a lot of my items and budget.

    So, should I drop that section altogether and focus on the sewers? If I do, should I still put something back there? Also, having 1 team spawn in the middle wouldn't be the best idea because they'd have a lack of cover from the sewer-spawning team. Right now, there are a few possibilities for the map layout that I'm considering:

    This possibility uses both sides, the Covenant fortification and the Sewers start. Brown is the areas I have yet to finish but am planning. However, with this one, the turret can almost singlehandedly hold down the enemy team. Even with the removal of the turret, they still are extremely easy to camp.

    This version gives the Covenant team the center area, and the Humans the sewers and a closed off version of the Wraith area. However, this doesn't give the Covenant team much cover or area to respawn without being surrounded by Human teams.

    So, does anyone have a better idea for a layout? I'm trying to think of other ways to stay faithful to the original map without sacrificing balance.

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