Ok...last week I unlocked the katana and the security helmet and for a solid week i had both parts of armour. Today 7/7/09 I was going to put on the security armour and the katana to look good foe todays Bungie v.s. World event but sadly my security helmet and katana disapered.... If anybody knows how this happend please tell me...
It's a glitch, it happens all the time. Get another achievement if possible, and you'll re-unlock it, or just wait a while, and it'll fix itself.
Katana dissapears a lot. To keep it forever, just get all of the original H3 achievements. But sometimes just unlock some other achievement, and you'll get katana. My friend got katana @985G. Then he lost it. Then he got headshot honcho achievement. Then he got it back. :3
Hah, my friend got something like 700 gamerscore and got them, and they weren't even all original achievements
Im really surprised that you havent heard of how to fix this.... Every Bnet forum and most other forums are filled with "OMGZ MY KATANAAS MISSINGS!!!" threads... How much gamerscore do you have in Halo 3? To get the Katana without it being a glitch, you must: Have 1000 Gamerscore Get all 49 Achievements that came with the game (original achievements) If you get it any other way, its because of a glitch. Sometimes Bungie notices the mistake and removes it. Or sometimes it removes itself whenever you get a new achievement and re-unlocks itself when you get another new one.
nope nope nope You do not need all 49 original achievements... I have it permanently without them.. You need -1000 Gamerscore -49 of any achievement --------------------------------------- If you have one oc those catagories acomplished but not the other the katana goes off and on every time you get an achievement. So say I have 1100 gamerscore but 40 achievements, once I get an achievement it would dissapear, Then if i get another it would reapear. It will do this until you acomplish both of those catagories.
It's Halo, what do you expect. But ya, it's just a weird glitch that comes and goes for some people. I know rite? But just wait a little and it's prolly gonna come back.
Does that mean Bungie can unlock armour for you? I should have gotten the Spartan Officer achievement, but a glitch stopped that from happening. Can Bungie unlock that achievement and the Mark V armour for me?