Go to Haloscreenshots.net and type in your gamertag on the front page of the website. All of your screen shots taken will appear on their. Simply click the thumbnails of your screenshots to view them in their natural size. If you want to embed any of your pictures I'd suggest using the direct link version of your image and then put at the end of it. Here is one of your screenshots.
Yeah man, I know about that... But how do I get them to appear HD size on my fileshare? I've seen HD sized screenshots on other people's fileshares, but how do I do it if I don't have an HDTV? I remember somebody posting something on how to do it, but I can't find the post... Like say the infamous "Gargoyle" screenshot, if you look at that on bungie.net, it's already in HD size, but when you look at mine, it's an ugly little square. EDIT: Ok nevermind, I figured it out. If you want an HD size screenshot, but don't have an HDTV, just go to console settings and change your visual settings to widescreen. Close this thread if you'd like.