ACROMIN BY: SUPER JERK777 This is one of my new map releases that i have been working on for a long time now. This map shows some really great qualities, such as the Geo-merging and interlocking which are very clean and smooth. This map is used for Capture The Flag, King of the Hill, Team Slayer, Oddball, and Slayer. It has a MlG weapon set-up. I cant say much so you will just have to see for yourself. So please enjoy my map and show your friends and family. PICS DOWN BELOW ENJOY MY MAP!!!!
ok if im wrong someone tell me because my net is slow but there are no pictures and no download If there are no pictures im sure someone will give u info about embleeding pictures
Here's ya go. A tutorial on how to correctly imbed your pictures. Try and get them up within 24 hours, or this thread will be locked. For the amount of work it sounds like you put into it, I would love to see this map. So try anf get the pics up soon.
yay teh pics er up it looks astonishingly clean and well thought out. everything is interlocked and merged to perfection. it might be a little past it's time though. sandbox is out and wwith that comes an everexpanding amout of maps. which i predict will bury yours, which i think is sad because it will be crushed by junk. when i played it, the spawns worked well, they werent perfect, but they worked. gameplay is what made it secksy though. and for that i congradulate you my good sir.
Great job superjerk you posted properly. I should have given you a tutorial but you never asked. This map will do great, some parts aren't the smoothest but the gameplay is great. I'll see you online later. Oh and yes I downloaded and if you think you don't know me then your wrong. Keep it up and well catch up at around 1 o'clock. Peace...
Great map. The geometry is unique and creative, and the gameplay appears as if it would flow well, without readily available spawn-camp sites or ridiculous bottlenecks. The geomerging isn't stellar, but it's a hell of a lot better than most can do (myself included), and thus deserves commendation. I like the use of the base areas, which are too often fenced off and disregarded. However, the prevalence of BRs is frightening. Copious ammounts of the weapon litter the map, seemingly propped up against every vertical surface. A little weapon diversity would not only be a welcome change from the vast majority of current maps, but would keep players from falling back on the abused BR, and force them to think and fight differently and creatively. Still though, great map. I eagerly await your next creation. 5 / 5
I really think you should play capture the flag on it, i placed the flags on the wall which looks really cool I really think you should play capture the flag on it, i placed the flags on the wall which looks really cool
Dude this is such a good map, it should be Featured.. HAHA great job to myself. Very nice interlocking and really good Geo merging.. Keep up the good Forging
This does look really good, very uniquely designed and seems to flow very well also. But i agree this map will most likely get buried by crap maps, which seem to be appearing as of late. Did you use the new forge glitch aka Ghosting to do the geomerges. If not dam but if so its still good and the smoothness is pretty great.
Double post, Spamming your thread to bump it, And it looks like you may have multiple accounts. :-/ That's not good dude.