Hello, im a very good forger, like really good. I'm a guy that thinks everything has to be perfect. So i spend countless hours on the maps i make to get everything very nicely forged and stuff. But finally when im done, i get this beautiful map, everythings perfect, its all nice and straight, and its just spectacular. But every time i play the maps that i make, the gameplay totally sucks! Like theres spawn kills everywhere! Like if i played one of the maps i made in a party everyone would be shocked on how bad the map is. So all of my hard work on making a map "perfect" ends up being a total desaster. Can anyone help my problem, the problem of completly horrible gameplay on every single map i make?
Ill add you and give you a hand . I am generally the opposite of you, my maps are imperfect and I focus far more on gameplay.
Look up some spawn guides, also plan your maps out just for gameplay not aesthetics. Really when you're planning out map geometry it shouldn't be about looking good it should be about function. Gimmie a sec, I'll dig up a guide or two. EDIT: Try this, it's complicated but it looks great.
Well if you have a spawn kill problem then you need more spawn points. I think you are like a friend of mine, he is great at designing and okay at forging but when it comes to gameplay he'd put fuel rod gun before a sniper...if u know what i mean
Just read lots of guides, if you have the skill down then you just need to work on the mindset. There are really good spawn explanations that make it very easy to see how spawn trapping works (MLG encourages spawn trapping), and you can learn how to counter it.