Utilizing the amazing power of Bungie Pro Video, I captured one of the highlights of my experience in the Bungie vs. The World Playlist, though I never managed to actually fight Bungie. (Damn you, Black Theorem and Agamer!!) Basically, I got SEVEN Splatters on a Mongoose in one game, which had me laughing the whole way through. (The Mongoose was my Tool of Destruction, by the way.) I am in no way saying that this is a clean, polished Goosetage, considering I die twice in the clip before it ends, and I used ungie Pro Video to render it. However, the number of Splatters on that particular seven-related day makes me think it's pretty cool. Here you go: YouTube - Bungie Day -- 7 Mongoose Splatters in One Game! Download it here. Oh, and if that whole Splatter thing doesn't suit you, I'll throw in another funny Rendered Clip of mine for no extra charge. Aren't you a lucky guy. YouTube - Double Fail on The Pit Download it here.
Hey, maybe they are going to give out recon for the most splatters in one game. I don't think you would have the most, there might be people out there with like 20 or so in one game. Anyway, Nice job, I did this in one game I believe with like 3 splatters. I didn't try as much.
What map was that? I don't remember playing that one. Pretty good vids. Shame people on the enemy team started doing it too...
On the first vid, WTF! None of the people jumped >.< It was like they let you splatter them! xD Burrr well in anyway because some of them you like took from the side and stuff which was cool The second video made me lol xD Likee .. if that happened once i would be like WOW bur twice in a row ... ROFL XD Well in dudde
That just means that your opponents must have sucked, because they couldn't even shoot you off of the Mongoose. It must have been easy to get those 5 splatters, then. So you're basically saying that getting 2 less Splatters than me on retarded opponents makes your play better. Riiiiiight.