Sandbox Space and the Woods

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by RK The Beast, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Race Track Download: Space and the Woods
    Creator: AnF Ryan
    Gametype: AnF Racing/RACETRACKS/Battle Tracks
    Players: 1-8

    I was inspired to create this race track from the environmentalist movement that has been going on for decades now. Also because of some rockin' alternative music :D Anyways this race track features what the name entails... SPACE and the WOODS. So prepare to drop... off some trees into the forest inwhich Space has never seen before...


    Any Questions?
    This track took me about 12 hours to make the accent and 8 hours to make the track itself.
    Each tree took roughly 40+ minutes to create.
    Yes, the map does change through 2 different FX.
    No, I did not have any help on this map.
    The map is CHEATPROOF no worries :D
    Any gametype can be used so go crazy!

  2. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Quite possibly the most aesthetically pleasing map I have ever seen. Your level of creativity is outstanding! I honestly love everything about this map. This race track is well built, however the layout is not the most original. Even so, it is built to perfection. And plus, those trees! For some reason I can't keep my eyes off them! The aesthetics truly bring a feeling of just overall innocent joy. I never download race maps, but you've got me hooked on the "woods" theme. Please make more maps that look like this!

    Downloading now...

    EDIT: the simpleness and kind of abstractness of the plane is great too
    #2 Ozarka, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
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    Those trees are awesome! And I love the airplane. Im glad now that there are starting to be more tracks that are highly aesthetic-based, because I think thats what tracks need in order to really be fun. It keeps you wanting to play the track multiple times and just check out the cool scenery on the way around the track. That is the whole reason why I created Fossil Canyon. I think my favorite part of the track is where the tree uproots through the center of the track and you can go around it on either side. The track itself looks smooth, a for sure DL from me. Keep up the great work RK, excellent job. 5/5

    EDIT: I just DLed and tested out the map, and I love it. The only thing I didnt really like was the black and white FX that first cycles through. I think with the scenery you have, you should keep the color in the map the whole time. The 2nd FX was cool though, just didnt really care for the first one. but thats just me.
    #3 KNEE TO FACE, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  4. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Wow, at first I was a bit reluctant to click because of the name. But I'm glad that I did, because this map looks absolutely incredible, as the others have already said. If the map races and plays as well as it looks, then I think you may definitely have a feature coming your way.
  5. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    this map is incredible, some of the best if not the best aesthetics put into a race map ever. The layout is pretty good, but nothing too amazing, but it doesnt matter, it looks soooo good anyways. I think it wouldve been really cool to see this in the skybubble, cuz then it would feel like your much higher up.
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Holy crap the aesthetics for this track ARE AMAZING!!!! I have never seen such original ideas before. If this gets featured I would not be surprised one bit. The tree design is like super creative and the flying plane is so simple yet adds just the right feature! I'm downloading on Saturday when I get live back. Great job and a massive 5000/5 =D.

    EDIT: Played the map, its actually not the best. I discovered that after playing it with friends. You don't really notice the airplane at all and its breakable with the RACETRACKS gametype. I really think that it deserves a 4/5, there isn't enough uniqueness with the actual track.
    #6 Gollygeeanelite, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  7. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Ryan congratulations on becoming in my opinion one of the top forgers, you always were with your scenery ideas but now that you have the track part down your are on of the best...period. I have nothing bad to say at all except that your way too creative. Jokes... I will miss you if you leave and I really hope you dont (crying face)
  8. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Thank you knight, and I hope i dont have to either :(
    Besides that, thank you to everyone else for your comments and support :D
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Not sure how the map would play, but the aesthetics are definetly bad ass. It looks like mario racing, and there are mushrooms everywhere. I really like this, never would have thought of using the tin cups as trees. Great job, nice touch with the planes or dragonflies maybe? Ima download now.
  10. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    freakin awsum map. i love it when people go out of their way to theme a map, and you definitely did that. it takes a true genius to creat trees out of a few blocks and golf holes. everyone else has pretty much said everything else. i take my hat off to you sir. 9000/5 lols
  11. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    The aesthetics on this map are stellar. Those trees are truly works of art. The track is smooth, and fun to race on. However, you can cheat the checkpoint and squeeze between a couple border pieces to cut the track. Everything else looked and played great. Nice work.
  12. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Yeah, whatever the hell he just said... ditto.

    My initial thoughts of this Possibly the first person to make a racetrack with aesthetics inspired by a song. The trees look so... real... like the most pleasing eye candy ever. 5/5 for aesthetics.

    As I raced the track, I noticed some parts are a bit iffy with interlocking, and sometimes they interrupted the flow of the race. 4.5/5

    Another thing I noticed is that the jump has no man cannons or gravity lifts to boost players over it, and therefore, in the incident that you lose speed before the jump, you will not make it across.

    Your layout isn't original at all; however, the theme makes up for that by so much. 5/5

    Overall Rating: 4.85 = 5/5
  13. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    hhhmmmmm.... i have raced around 10 laps on this and this is what I have to say....

    Good: The asthetics are absolutely amazing by far the best asthetics in a racetrack (however they do not affect gameplay...)... I haven't tried to cheat it but i'm guessing shaddowblade is right you might want to fix it so everyone can re DL the cheat proof one...

    Bad: hmmm.... I would have 2 main things to say... one is that the track layout is not origional at all... it's just a figure 8 if i'm not mistaken.... then the second one is that some of the interlocking is not done well and it is not smooth and is hard to race on because of it.... still a good map... 7/10
  14. Led Pump

    Led Pump Ancient
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    This map is mouth dropping! oh my god! ihave never seeen a map with this level of creativity, its really a work of art. I played it, the track was alright, a little bump herea and there but nothing that really takes anything away from it. I love you have to go around the treee in the middle of that jump thing, pretty sick idea! This is defintielly a feature ;D
    20/20 my friend
  15. Petque

    Petque Ancient
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    I try your map and i love it. It is beautiful and fun!

    But there is just a problem: when i started the race, i spawn out of it!
  16. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Which gametype were you using becuase if you were playing in slayer it doesnt work, only raicng gametypes will work. I.E. VIP gametype. Lemme konw if you find the same problem with the VIP gametype, thank you :D

  17. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Dude, I'm loving the trees! It's a pretty cool idea.. and I don't know if you mind, but I would like to use your design in one of my maps. It would seriously be perfect for it. If not, that's fine.

    I have yet to test this map, because I am typing this from my iPod Touch away from my home, but I would just like to say that I think it looks really fun to race on. I can't wait to get home to test this in Forge.
  18. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    WOOT! Back to the days when race tracks didn't have to make you barf(no offense Shaddo)! This is an absolutely beautiful map, with such an elegant and simple figure eight layout! Definitely worth a look, I will download when I can, and get back to you with a rating, and some feedback.
  19. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    I believe the correct term is jaw dropping.

    When I saw the pictures at first I thought the were mushrooms and that was epic, then I found out they were suppose to be trees. So I'll keep telling myself that there mushrooms. This is a really sweet looking track and aesthetics to me always making my racing experience better. I'm about to go try out a few laps on it. Wish I would have thought of this idea.
  20. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Yah go for it, make the trees on your map, make them better do whatever you want! I just launched the idea :D

    And thanks for all the comments guys, I really appreciate it since i focused this map on the looks and feel more than the track. I really want to be remembered as the guy who changed the rules and did the Un-Ordinary :D


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