So I was bored and decided to watch harry potter and the goblet of fire once again on tv. This time I actually had quite the thought. I was wondering why J.K. Rowling did not think of this. In the book and movie when harry and cedric digory grab the triwizard cup thing they both get teleported to the grave yard place. At that graveyard Cedric is murdered. Later in the series the dad of Cedric blames Harry for his son's death. In the goblet of fire harry finds out about dumbledores memory basin thing ( ya know, the thing that he puts his weird silver hair stuff in?). My question is, Why didn't harry simply prove that he did not kill Cedric by simply extracting his memory and putting it in the basin thing? This would have resolved the conflict of harry murdering him AND it would have given people a perfect view of the members who follow voldemort. I Hope reading all of that didn't bore you too much. Please give some reasons why you think this may have been.
@pigglez, Gilligans island FTW! And OP, There are many things that could have been changed. Things could have restricted it from happening. The dad might have WANTED to put the blame on Harry.
Perhaps only a person can pull memories out of their own mind (although I'm pretty sure that's not right), and it's complex magic to pull it out that harry was not capable of at the time being.
I think he blamed him for it in general, because voldemort wanted harry and not cedrick, who just was messaged up in everything. As well, I'm pretty sure the pencieve (sp) was supposed to be secret. Though it is almost a plot whole.
How bout this one guys it's a book and movie series that is a fantasy and involves magic not everything is going to have a rhyme or reason.
You really don't have to walk into the thread and just say "I don't like it, I'll comment about nothing!" seriously, your not helping anything.
He has a point though, its a fantasy world created by someone. Therefore everything isn't going to work out like it would/could in the real world. She either forgot about it or purposely left it out for the benefit of the plot and overall story. Smart thinking though, OP.
Maybe Dumbledore created the pensieve (like he created the Deluminator) and no one else knows of it, so therefore it was not suggested and Dumbledore would rather keep it secret?
yeah the most reasonable reason is because it is suppose to be kept well hidden from every1 else. Its still an interesting thing to think about.
This just think about it also do we need an explanation for why the three pigs were able to build house do we need to know how jedis use there lasers no we don't.
It is simply, like fixing the boat in Gilligans island, would ruin a major plot line in the story, thus making the story only half a story. The reasons that are within the story are not the actual reasons. They is only the reasons Rowling would come up with to patch the plot hole. Therefore she simply excluded the possibility because it would make for a more interesting story.
trust me there are a lot of things harry could have done to make his life easier for himself. like getting killed by voldemort, that would have saved him a lot of time and frustration.