Looks awesome. One of the most original ideas for a conquest map I have ever seen. I'll have to download later. 5/5
Map is visually amazing, I like the idea a battle on a broken bridge. Looks like a good map for all gametypes, not just conquest.
My biggest (or only) concern about this map is that one team can just plow through the other team instantly by splattering them all with the warthog (im not saying by driving it but maybe if a grenade launches it rolling down the hill). Other than that it looks very good. 4.7/5
i loved this map and still do i am pround to be a part of the consruction of this (well only the towers) it plays sooo well although it does need to be a little more symetrical it still plays like a charm and i think with a little work on a v2 this could re define conquest altogether i loved it everyone who played it with me and you loved it (except dark pyro but he doesnt count) 10/5 great map
Man, this actually looks pretty cool! I love the broken segment of the highway, and bet that a lot of intense battles happen there. Good job, my only concern is that it doesn't look like there's very much cover on certain parts of the road. But I have yet to play it, and the gameplay may turn out fine regardless. Overall this is a well-forged map and well-worth a download.
OMG about time someone can actually read, thank you Tigger because everyone has been complaining about the warthogs like through the whole time.
very original i have not seen a map like this before. Although i think you should add some cover so your not always out in the open and maybe add some outer walkways to give people another option. other than that 3/5
i like the idea of the warthogs for cover, and the slopes are good too. my suggestion would be to put the snipers on that middle part of the gap and set them to no spare clips and a longer respawn. this is one of the best ideas i have ever seen for a conquest map. i have one coming out soon that is kind of similar with the hills. but for cover i would add a large suspension bridge type thing holding up the road with columns and have some collapsed onto the raod for cover, if you have enough money. 5/5
1 warthog does that on each side but then the warthogs that fall to the lower part of the bridge can be for cover down there
This looks pretty awesome; the idea is completely original. Reminds me of one of the earlier levels of Halo 2. I do, however, understand how the warthogs could be interpreted as 'over powering', that being- turrets. May I suggest drop spawning a bunch of fusion coils to demolish the warthogs at the beginning of each round to allow for a more aesthetic piece. That aside, well done.
omg danIz3pic... appearantly you cant read because i put that THE GAMETYPE MAKES IT SO YOU CANT DRIVE THEM OR OPERATE THEM AT ALL
This is definitely one of the better conquest maps I've played on. I really enjoyed the uniqueness of this map and had a lot of fun with my friends on it. It is forged very well the only thing is I didn't really find it very competitive, fun though.
well like with what he said, there is a sniper for each team, with 1 extra clip.and it takes awhile for it to spawn
I personally think this is amazing. I really like the idea and it is very well forged. However, I think if you could make two small side roads ( like stray bridge parts) that go across so that you can actually get the flag. From what I can see there is little cover and only one way across. This makes it hard for gameplay. But overall good job. 4.5/5