Sandbox MLG Impulse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by sharku249, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. sharku249

    sharku249 Ancient
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    MLG Impulse is an MLG CTF map on sandbox. It bares a few similarities to Onslaught, however its also contains many more unique features. The hardest part for me to get right was the spawns, they took me about 4 hours twiddling around with spawn areas. Unfortunately i didnt realise that the spawn areas dont work very well unless you set the bottom of them to 0.50. after doing the the spawns worked excelently allowing for a spawntrap if the players work well as a team. This map took me about 15 hours to build, 4 hours for spawns and a couple for testing so aound 21 hours. This map is designed for CTF but MLG Team Slayer can be played on it but its not as recommended.

    Weapon List
    Br X 4, 10 sec
    Carbine X 2 90 sec
    Plasma Grenade X 4 30 sec
    Frag grenade X 4 30 sec
    Mauler X 1 120 sec

    Anyways, onto the pics :p



    Flag Spawn has now been interlocked into the base ^





    Sorry that I couldnt get a complete overview of the map, the crypt wasn't high enought so it might be a bit hard to piece the pictures together.

    Thanks for looking at my map


    and a link to the CTF Gametype

    MLG CTF Ons v6

    3rd Map on Forgehub
    #1 sharku249, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  2. MLG Swipeshot1

    MLG Swipeshot1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I dont see any list of weapons, but im assuming that you have prob set a rocket launcher or a cpu in the middle. overall i like the layout of the map. 4/5
  3. sharku249

    sharku249 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is a weapons list...
  4. WhyHelloThere

    WhyHelloThere Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I always love being spawncamped!! The bases look a little open and boring to me.
  5. MLG Swipeshot1

    MLG Swipeshot1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry my mistake, i must have missed it when i read

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