Sandbox MLG Nexis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by MLG Swipeshot1, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. MLG Swipeshot1

    MLG Swipeshot1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG Nexis
    Created By MLG Swipeshot

    Supported Gametypes
    MLG Team Slayer
    MLG Oddball


    Download Link : Halo 3 File Details

    Weapons and Equipment

    Battle Rifle - 7
    Sniper Rifle - 1
    Plasma Pistol - 1
    Rocket Launcher - 1
    Carbine - 4
    Mauler - 1

    Frag. Grenade - 10
    Plasma Grenade - 6
    Custom Power Up - 1

    MLG Nexis has taken me countless hours, and is not some random map bunched together. Some parts of the front of red and blue base are symmetrical, but thats about the only symmetry on this map, and yes ive heard that an "MLG" map must be symmetric or its not considered an MLG map, but i dont believe thats true, if you take a look at guardian. Anyway The blue base contains the sniper tower, its not that big, but has excellant range of almost all parts of the map. and has 2 levels. on the bottom part of blue base there is a walkway that leads into the mauler spawn in the back corner of the map and also contains a mancannon that boosts the players over to the top of sniper tower. In between the blue and red base is the custom power up spawn and the middle section of the map leading into the house. Once in the house area there are 3 ways to go. 1 way is the blue catwalk leading to the mauler spawn, another way is red catwalk leading into red tunnels, and a 3rd way is over the hump ontop of red tunnels and close to rocket launcher spawn. Once on top of the red tunnels, there is a jump up to rockets and a walkway leading into red base. Inside of the red tunnels is the plasma pistol spawn and leading out is 1 exit which is the red catwalk back to house, and the other way is bottom of red base.

    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    BLue Base/Sniper Tower

    Sniper Spawn

    Red Base

    On top of Red tunnels

    Rocket Launcher Spawn

    Plasma Pistol Spawn, inside of red tunnels

    The House

    BLue Catwalk

    Mauler Spawn, and lift to Sniper Tower
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    You have a point about Guardian.being unsymetrical and it being mlg. The map looks of high quality and it looks like you planned your ideas out as you went along. I'm downloading and testing this out and will give you further feedback on gameplay
  3. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    The layout looks nice and well thought out, and I am definatley one for more asymetric MLG map. The only thing that will hold this map back is the lack of railings. Players will be falling off of those catwalks without railings when strafing with their BRs. If you had railings everywhere this would be much better.
  4. MLG Swipeshot1

    MLG Swipeshot1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have thought about putting railings up on the catwalk, but i cant set any more objects ):
  5. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    I dont really like the narrow catwalks but otherwise it looks ok.
  6. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

    Senior Member

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    I really like it the best game type for the map that i found out is TS. I think if you made it multi leveled it would be 10 times better for hill. Also i dont like the idea of some of the map be all in tubes ,it makes gameplay not as good as it should be. overall 4/5
  7. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    the layout is nice and there is a lot of aesthetics and i like how u used the tube corners for aesthetics. the rocket spawn isnt necaesarily in the middle and that could affect it. also this really shouldnt be in mlg cause its not symetrical. i have seen other maps in mlg that arent and they shouldnt be posted here either because symetry is part of mlg standards. by ur reasoning they dont have to be because guardian and construct are mlg but they are pre dlc maps and are already maps on the game that arent community made so they can be mlg without being symetrical
  8. MLG Swipeshot1

    MLG Swipeshot1 Ancient
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    Guardian and Construct is in the mlg circut of maps used in game, so if its community made or came with the game, that doesnt matter at all, its just a person selection of what is considered and "MLG" map, symmetry means nothing
  9. H@lo Cr@zy

    H@lo Cr@zy Ancient
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    I like how its based around all those tubes,good job!
  10. HeadSnipingSam

    HeadSnipingSam Ancient
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    dude nice map. the geomerging looks pretty solid and im going to play some on it and come back. =( one of my maps that i havent posted yet but is finished is called mlg nexus
  11. Covv

    Covv Ancient
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    okay starting off with the pros.. this map looks like it was very well thought out and done very well in forge.. but for an mlg map it is rather large.. will download and tell you how it goes as far as gamplay
  12. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    I'm on the testers guild, and I tested your map with 7 different friend, and then 3 so I did a 4v4 Slayer and KOTH and a 2v2 Slayer and KOTH Here are my evaluations:
    What I like:
    1 Aesthetics on this map are amazing
    2 Map isn't Over weighed on either side
    3 It isn't hard to find your way around
    4 Not to many power weapons

    What I Dislike
    -1 The spawns arent the greatest
    -Not really any cover in the middle piece

    -For spawns put more than one spawn point by itself at least put 2 next to each other, but don't put one by itself.
    -Blend some walls into the box in the middle so they are at the edges and are barley high enough to block you when your crouching.

    I'd like to say finally that this a great map overall, without the changes that I suggested I give it a 9/10, but if you make a v2 I'd give it a 9.5 or a 10.
  13. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    the main problem i see with this map is the lack of routes inbetween each platform, and the lack of height variations in general.

    with only one or two ways to and from a room it will congest hall ways making for easy nade spamming and tons of close close combat. this also makes it easier for someone to predict paths of member of the opposing team. which will eventually lead to stale and boring gameplay.

    lack of height variations make br fights very boring and similar to one an another. if every br fight is on the same level than there wont really be a difference between each one. this also makes blocks lines of sight making team shooting harder. if every room is on the same floor, and the rooms are walled off, then there wont be any way for people in other rooms to help out if your being double teamed or youre losing a br fight or something.

    on the positives the map seems neatly forged, and it has some aesthetic value.

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