Ok, here is how I want this to go down. After getting the greenlight from teh colours, I can start the Legal Drug discussion. After the Illegal Drug discussion shut down, we lost a lot of discussion. This discussion is for LEGAL drugs. No illegal drugs. What defines a legal drug? -Well, some drugs, like Sally D, are legal in some places and not others. If a drug is legal in at least %50 of the United States, it is up for discussion. Possible topics include -Woodrose -Kratom -Psychedelic Cactai -Morning Glory -Nutmeg Go! here is a great website for those of you wishing for some info on common psychedelic plants. Legal Highs Place to purchase these drugs
Does this also include certain types of Rx Prescription Medicine? I.E. Xanax, Vicodin, Perkocets, etc.?
I really don't believe in taking drugs just for the fun of it. It sickens me to even hear about or see people doing it. I have many friends that are disabled, and whenever I see them, I think to myself, these people would give anything just to feel NORMAL. What do they think, when they see someone light up a cigarette, and consciously decide to DESTROY their perfectly healthy body, that so many others would give ANYTHING for? For years I have had lung problems. When I was 12, I had to be rushed to the ER because my right lung had collapsed. My doctor told me 80% of people with my condition die before the age of 13. I feel lucky. But I shouldn't be the only one. All of YOU should feel lucky. You can step outside, get a whiff of fresh air, ride a roller coaster if you wanted to, or even take a hot chick out on a date if you want to feel good. (Well some of us can do that). I don't see any reason for anyone that is not in physical pain due to injury, to take drugs. Drugs in my opinion are for those that have been in accidents, and those who need them for a REASON. They aren't for the ****tard that thinks not being in control of himself is fun.
Please do not start another thread. And a drug being used by 50% of americans does not make it legal. Just the thought of that happening with an illegal drug scares me.
I really do want to clarify why I do drugs. I am not, as you say, a ****tard you wants to lose control of himself. The plants that I eat and drink as tea create deep spiritual experiences from which I gain much insight into my life and gain very positive knowledge towards life and how to life it. Pegasi has given me the green light.
It's tough **** really that people get dealt shitty cards sometimes, but if you want me to feel guilty for using drugs and "destroying" my perfectly good body when other people would be happy to have my health, **** you, and **** that. No offense though. Why I do drugs? Because I enjoy the experience it gives me. Whether I just feel so calm, I feel something. And it's nice, it's just what I want, and it's something that I enjoy.
That's not what he said. He said it's open for discussion if it's legal in at least 50% of the states.
Because, of course, It's much easier to hear trees and grass talk when you're so stoned out of your mind that you can't really understand what's going on. Anything you "experience" that you wouldn't normally while you're high is an illusion. You're not "connecting" you're simply seeing, hearing, experiencing things that are not there. You're experiencing a false world, you're talking what is real and changing it into something that you can cope with. The reason most people do drugs is because it's an escape. Some people say "I do it because it feels good dude... woah" but that's just an escape from not feeling good, or being depressed right? Honestly I believe if people spent half the effort they usually spend trying to find ways to get high, trying to be happy and fix the problems they wouldn't need an escape from reality. This is all just my opinion of course.
But that's so flawed. If you enjoy xbox, why would you stop playing Xbox? Well I enjoy drugs, so why would I stop using drugs?
Anywhere in there did I say VINNY STOP DOING DRUGS? No, I just pointed out why people do it, and what the main ideas are behind it. Then I said why I don't personally believe in it. At the end I even said "This is all just my opinion". If you want to do drugs I'm not going to try to talk you out of it. That's your business, I was just giving my insight on the subject.
RightSideTheory, ancient american shamans used similar plants (such as what I take, namely Rosewood) to teach and heal others. I have solved huge problems about my life while on psychedelics.