Sandbox BlackHole V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by BraveDave, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    BlackHole V2
    Created by BraveDave
    Supported Gametypes:
    NoName- Infection (my fav)

    Map Description Hey its BraveDave with my updated version 2 of my map BlackHole. I was a bit rushed to post the first version so there were a lot of issues that I noticed after I had posted the first version. Things like the hole getting blocked and spawn killing other people. I also decided to change the vehicles from Warthogs to Ghosts. Everyone is also given there own starting area so there is no spawn killing. It works much better this way because you can go much closer to the hole without dying. The new version has fixed all the problems you all pointed out to me. If you have already downloaded the first version I strongly recommend that you delete it and download V2. The old gametype has changed a bit so it wont work on V2.

    NoName- NoName is an infection variant where the aim of the game is to not get pushed into the hole. The infected are armed with gravity hammers so stay out of there way. Its starts off with only one infected aka the Alpha Zombie. He has 200% speed and 75% gravity. Anyone else who gets infected have only 25% speed and i really high gravity. They act as anchors that the humans must avoid. Use them strategically. You can slowly corner off areas of the map. Once you have a decent party size (5-9 players) it can be lots of fun. Srry about the name couldn't think of anything to name it.

    Due to comments from the community I have changed the game-type so that the alpha zombie is the only one that cannot be killed. The humans can now die in about 10 good hits of the gravity hammer. This fixes the problem where noobs camp at the starting point and no one can kill them. The zombies can now be splattered in I think two shots so it gives the humans a way to get some points and a reason to take a risk and go close to the zombie. Also the zombies now have brute shots as well.

    The opposite of teamwork

    On the edge

    Ahhhh scary zombie


    2 of 1

    Before the Beast

    Hit out of the park

    Me at starting area


    Sucked into the black hole

    Alpha Zombie Starting area

    The beast has been released

    The gravity hammer at work

    Harry Potter

    Run away

    Thanks to everyone who helped me make the map and everyone who downloaded and provided feedback. If you have already download the first version delete it its rubbish. Also the game types on V1 are rubbish so delete them too. Remember to Download, Rate, and Comment

    Download BlackHole

    Download NoName
    #1 BraveDave, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  2. DabilahroNinja

    DabilahroNinja Ancient
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    Wow... that's a very well-done hole. This looks really clean, good job!
  3. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    This is just amazing. Perfect in every way. I just finished testing with my brother and we both agreed that the interlocking is perfect, Gameplay is amazing.
    (I lol'd at the Harry Potter pic. Nice One!)



    ... Feature... NAO!
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Nice map, 3 problems, the ghosts need to be on instant respawn because I spawned sometimes with no ghost, secondly the infection spawn area has been set wrong and I spawned inside there sometimes (not a zombie btw)

    3rdly the zombies seem to be able to jump epicly high and there is no point in the grav lift being there.

    Overall great map tough, im waiting for a v3 :p
  5. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback everyone I will fix the spawn problem and the grab lift poroblem tommorrow. If I update my map in forge will it update in my filshare or do I have to reload to my FS. I was also aware of those 3 problems and I did fix the zombie spawn thing and the gravlift thing by making the alpha zombies gravity higher but I am not sure how to make the ghosts respawn faster. Right now I have them set to respawn at 10 seconds and min thingy to 8 which is how many ghosts there are. If anyone knows how to fix the ghost spawning problem or if you know if I have to reupload my map and variants to my fileshare please tell me.
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You could have lets say 8 grav lifts set run min to 4 and respawns 180 and spawn start no, ill let you work out the problems with that
  7. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    BraveDave: To your ghost problem, use what MLG forgers do. Make em sky spawners (or watever its called). This involves making ghosts spawn a little above ground. If done correctly, the ghosts will always spawn in 10 seconds, or immediatly. If not done correctly, the ghosts will only spawn 10 sec (sometimes more, dunno why) after if it is destroyed.

    If you do this mlg technic, i can assure you, that there will always be a ghost per cage (maybe even 2!).

    NOW, on to the map. The forging is flawless and the idea is pretty awsome. Making a hill close to the hole makes it even better. Ill give it a download and see hows gameplay, but by now its seems perfect. 5/5.
    #7 jorgecb565, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  8. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    The game sounds extremely fun and the map is incredible. Nice interlocking! The game reminds me of the penny you wound drop down a funnel and it would roll around the funnel into the hole in the middle. Good job! I'll have to download...

  9. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    The gametypes you made work very well, though I'd suggest making another variant whereas players must use ghosts solely to push opponents into the black hole.
    #9 CyraxZ, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  10. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    I took your advice using the MlG drop spawn thing and it didn't work. Does anyone know what the vehicles on other maps like this are set to???

    I took some time to test out different ways to get the vehicles to respawn instantly and no of them work. I tried the drop spawning and that made no difference and even if the ghosts are set to respawn 10 and there run time max is set to 8 (the number of ghosts), i even tried different vehicles. I thinking that it would be best if i just edited the post and deleted the point of no return game type because the infection variant works well with the map on its own.

    Is there anyone who thinks I should keep the KOTH variant??
  11. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    I say trash the KOTH. Anyway, I like the idea here, it's very original. Also, the forging looks clean and interlocking is clean. The gameeplay looks smooth and fun. So, 4.5/5 because of originality. But it just isn't the PERFECT map, you know?
  12. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Well, then the mlg technic only works with wepons; sorry. Anyways, DONT TAKE OFF THE KOTH VARIANT. In my opinion, the KOTH variant is way better than the infection one, but thats just me. Id say keep both. They are good, but for me KOTH IS THE BEST.
  13. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Are there any suggestions on how to improve the map?
  14. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    i played with 3 people on this map and the forging is flawless. The gametypes are what need revising. Trash the KOTH game like others said, but I'd like to see you change up the infection varient. When I played the infection gametype It seemed like it was lacking something...KILLING. The zombies simply pushed the people into the hole, which is kinda hard BTW, or the zombie assassinated the humans when they crashed their ghost.

    To change things up a bit, I made it so the zombie could be splattered. This added a whole new idea to the game. A reason FOR the humans to zoom towards the zombie. Thus, giving a chance for the zombie to smack the humans into the hell pit. I feel like it would be nicer if you made vehicles indestructible, but made humans have a certain amount of shields. This way the zombie wouldn't be getting pissed about NOT hitting them into the hole every time.

    It's a great map with a ton of potential, it just needs some gametype revising.
  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Remove surrounding wall(it actually looks good)
    Make koth hill expand and contract
  16. avocado100

    avocado100 Ancient
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  17. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    I totally agree with you the game-type could use some fixing

    So you think I should make the humans with say 4x overshield that dosnt reheal and the zombies with 2x overshield so they can be splattered in one or two shots? It would be great if you could suggest what to put the health and damage on.

    And also you need alot more than 3 people for the game to be played. It is much easier to kill the humans with a good party size of about 6-9 players.

    Also the reason why i made everyone invincible was so that people wouldnt be cheap and just shoot the zombie to death.

    Ill test out a new game type with all your suggestions tomorrow and see if its any good. Thanks for reply
  18. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    give humans 0% damage so they don't shoot the zombie and make the zombie normal shield and health or slightly above to allow splatters keep the KOTH or slightly edit it. What are you using the gravlifts for? Did you make the spawn points for the ghosts float in the air or did you just hold them in the air and drop them? You need to place an object under them place the ghost on top wait a second then delete the item under the ghost.
  19. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    I only used 1 grav lift to release the alpha zombie after 10 seconds.

    And i will definitely test out what you suggested it looks like it might work. Also the reason why I deleted the KOTH game-type was because the ghosts weren't spawning in time. When people fell into the hole they would spawn 10 seconds later but with no ghosts. I tried drop spawning all the ghosts but that didn't work. I think that drop spawning only works with weapons. Even when I set them to instant re-spawn and 10 seconds re-spawn the ghosts all come back in about 30 seconds. Other than that the KOTH variant was heaps of fun maybe even better than the infection one.
  20. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    I like how you took the time to make the slope into the epicenter of your 'black hole' nice and smooth and well rounded. (at least as rounded as it gets) The gameplay was good but one problem was the spawn on the ghosts. An alternative game type could be a slayer game where you try and push each other into the center instead of having a zombie.
    #20 Hank102938, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009

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