Stick together to survive on this harsh wasteland. There are three bases, the red base, the blue base, and the main base. The red base has a warthog and a mongoose so the humans can escape. There's also two machine gun turrets for protection. The blue base has a nice sniper spot, but it takes skill to snipe in the dark. The main base basically has most of the weapons, equipment, and supplies. There's also alot of good hiding spots. You shouldn't camp because there will be alot of zombies so you will have to keep moving from base to base. Every base has at least two entrances so the zombies have a good chance to win too. The game type is "Creeping Death". It is a really fun infection game, but it's not the Creeping Death game that you know of. So if you want entertainment, download this map. Comments and constructive critism are appreciated. Thank you. Download Map -----------> : Halo 3 File Details Download Game Type -----------> : Halo 3 File Details Pictures: The Front Of The Main Base The Basement Hideout Battling Out Danco vs. HairMare/x610TheJackson4/GodBlessPokemon The Blue Base (My favorite) Inside The Blue Base (yes, it's on a hill) Sniper Spot The Red Base Inside Of Red Base Zombie Slaying Map made by Danco616. Thanks for the help by HairMare and SimplyJesus. Thank you Mizurax for letting me use your Xbox.
This is a pretty cool map. I'll definitley have to download it. the only flaw is that it seems like only a nieve kid named danny would think of making this map.
well this map looks pretty cool but its lacking. there isnt anything besides the two bases and yu dont give a good description of your map. also your map promotes camping a whole lot with small bases with only it seems one entrance and small rooms inside each portected by shield doors