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I don't really like any of them. Your last would have to be the only different one I've seen. THe rest are just you and some plasma genade explosion.
Natu that's pretty funny because there is only 2 screen shots that have plasma grenades you just probably need to look more clearly! :haha: FAIL!
i like the last one, how the light comes around the body... sort of like leuumm or joes (idk which one it was sorry) silver lining screenshot.
Well sorry, he used a rocket launcher, and a shield door. Regardless of that misunderstanding i still think there overused and old effects.
Thats funny because when i made the screen shot i shot a rocket in the back of me and blew up a mongoose in front of me! So natu i think u should either stop hating. Or stop assuming things! :lol: FAIL on Natu Once again!
From what i can see, you have a guy standing there while another guy sits there lobbing grenades at him for 10 minutes or so until you think you can get a couple of screenshots from it. If you want to take good screenshots, i suggest putting the Gloom and/or Juicy effects in, Put in a lot of exploding weapons (brute shot, rocket launcher, fuelrod, splaser and needler[not the best choice]) Get one guy to stand there with a cool weapon (ie. dual wieldable, they look awesome, especially when overheating or reloading). The more people you have, and the more varied weapons that are being fired at the victim(person with duals), the better your screenshots will be. Happy Forging and Screenshot Taking!
You still used a rocket you idiot. GTFO, I don't even care if it's your own thread just GTFO man. Other than that I can tell your new at making them but those teqniches (awesome spelling;D) are really overssed. The grenade shots have been on Bfaves the first 2 weeks or so that Halo 3 came out. Now they're just overused and boring. Try using different methods and different effects. Your screenshots though they're kina meh man.
Hey Natu you are retarded i forgot who was the one that made the screen shot? you Dumb@!#%.. So I suggest that you GTFO because you are stupid! :lol::lol::lol::lol: