Sandbox Guardian B.C.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by KILLn Machine12, Jul 10, 2009.

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  1. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    Guardian B.C.

    Made by: KILLn Machine12 and FB PHILTROCITY

    Recommended players: 2-8

    Supported gametypes:

    mlg ts v6
    mlg team oddball v6

    Weapons on map:
    (same as other guardian)

    br - x5
    carbine - x4
    frag grenades - x4
    plasma grenades - x6
    sniper - x1
    camo - x1
    mauler - x1

    new forest - made a little greener so you grenades dont fall through the wall/floors.


    I got bored one day and made a remake of guardian in sandbox. I tried making it as similar as the old guardian so it would play as well. I did some interlocking so you couldn't throw grenades through the wall and blocks. I tested the map out with some of my friends and it plays well for both ts and ball. Thanks to FB PHILTROCITY, Guardian B.C. is unescapable. This took about a month for me to make.

    What I liked most about the map:

    • sniper tower
    • gold lift
    • bottom mid
    comparing MLG Guardian and Guardian B.C.

    top mid:


    bottom mid:


    snipe tower:






    blue and blue lift:


    top gold:


    active camo:




    Send me feedback if you like it or anything I should change.

    DOWNLOAD: Guardian B.C.
    #1 KILLn Machine12, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  2. IILilNinjiII

    IILilNinjiII Ancient
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    im sorry to say this but this does nmot look clean at all overall i give you a 4/10.
    Plus it does not match how some of the pics look.
  3. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    ive played it and it is clean and it doesnt have to be "perfect".
    if u download it u might change ur mind
  4. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I think it's an okay attempt and I also thought to remake Guardian. It looks pretty small compared to the original Guardian and aesthetically, it needs to be touched up. Like you said though, it doesn't have to be perfect as long as gameplay is decent but I wouldn't know from looking so I can't judge that right now. Anyway, good try and if you decide on touching up then maybe you can make it into a better map.
    #4 Urban Myth, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  5. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    You've played your own map?!!??!

    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

    Anyway, your map is not by any means "clean". In at least 6 of the picks I saw holes in the floor, which while it makes the map look bad, more practically, it makes grenading accurately impossible.

    You also seem to have completely ignored the jumps that are and aren't possible. Hell, it looks like you can jump from s1 to elbow. Those kind of things make or break a map. (exaggerated, but not too much)

    I'm sorry, but this map just looks like very little effort went into it. elbow and green are on the same level. Main just looks horrid. So does green for that matter. The only area that looks playable is the area near top-gold, and even then there are holes in the floor and aesthetics are nonexistent.

    I agree with IILilNinjiII. 4/10. it's recongnizable as the map gardian, which means effort was put forth, but as far as a playable map goes there is a LOT left to be desired.
    #5 Satan130, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  6. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I couldn't agree more with you satan and yes there are holes in the floors its not exactly neat, its not as big as the real guardian the sniper isn't its real place and is that a rocket instead of a grav hammer anyways try making the center more circular... 4/10 please try again
  7. Sgt Gemini

    Sgt Gemini Ancient
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    2/10 messy and bad sorry
  8. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    dude you can do better theres so much slop you need to clean but if you do that it will be all right. 3.5/10
  9. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    I never understood why people remake Guardian. Why? It's already on your Halo 3 disc, if you want to play on Guardian, play on Guardian. If you're going to remake a map, remake something from Halo CE or Halo 2. Not that it's a bad map or anything, I see you've tried your hardest even though its rather sloppy, I just don't see the point of it. Sorry if I'm missing something.
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    For those of you who have rated this map sans actually playing it, you = fail.

    You're all biasing on how the map would play based on how it looks.


    I think the layout of this map is fairly accurate to the original Guardian. Although there are lots of major cracks where I thought you could have spent more time to at least straighten out so that grenades do not fall through, the overall accuracy of the layout is okay, even though you missed a few places where it's a hill, and you left it flat. Next time when you make a map, I suggest that you do a forge through to at least fix those really big cracks.
    #10 Rifte, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  11. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    I have to agree sadly. This map looks painfully sloppy and although that you have put quite a bit of effort into making it look like guardian. This map is also very unoriginal. I've seen countless Guardian remakes and I still don't get why people keep making these. If you want to play on Guardian, play on it! You don't need to make a brand new remake in sandbox, its already in the default list of maps.
  12. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    What do you mean minor cracks? It seriously looks like I would lose 90% of my grenades at green because of the wall slits and the gaps.

    This is one of those maps you just know will play bad by looking at the pics. It doesn't take a phd in designing/forging to realize how little effort was put into making this map clean and accurate to the original.

    If you're gonna remake a map already existing on halo 3 please at least do it right.
  13. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
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    nice ruff draft. This is about how my stuff looks after 20 minutes. Sorry, not to be rude but I come with critisim that is constructive.

    What you need to do:

    first how many more items can you still place on map. You should still have alot.(given you used a glitched map you shouldn't have to worry about money)

    second Anywhere on the map you can do one of the following that area needs fixing: Throw a grenade and it falls through a floor, bounce when walking on a flat serface, fall off map due to holes in floor, or get stuck. All need fixing

    third: Take your time. It looks like you were excited to do this and you look like you know how to merge, but you also looked like you rushed this.
    Forgeing takes time. Ask anyone, you should hate looking at your map by the time your done. But, at least it'll be something you can be proud of.

    lastly Don't get down on yourself from all this negative feed back your seeing. You have potentiel. It's just back to the drawing board.
  14. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    can u guys tell me what places i should fix for the grenades to fall through? and these weapons are the exact same as mlg guardian. i no theres holes in the ground and ill do my best to fix them ... like make forest a little greener if u no wat i mean.
    #14 KILLn Machine12, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  15. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    there are better remakes out there, such as the original map! Why would you remake a map if you already can play the original. Why play this crappy verision when you can just play the real gaurdian, i don't understand. I do understand making Halo: CE or Halo 2 remakes but a poor remake of a halo 3 map on sandbox, i'm confused???
  16. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

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    Its an alright attempt at remaking guardian (I don't think that you should of redid guardian though, you should of made a custom map.) Top mid doesn't look like guardian ,you should of made it look more like a circle then a triangle. yeah anyways good map
  17. I Stunnah I

    I Stunnah I Ancient
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    I agree 110%
    Major cracks/holes on the map make gameplay and map flow horrific.
    If you wanna be taken seriously then at least make an original map and actually put EFFORT into it.
    #17 I Stunnah I, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  18. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    u happy now i fixed forest?
    u guys r babies "OMFG! hole in the wall or gound 1/10!!!!!"
    and thats in like every post in this forum
  19. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    First of all, no one talked in CAPS or spelt the word thsi wrong. I like your fakeness keep it up. I know it's bad to rate on pictures but any half smart person with any sense can pick out the bad maps. This was obviously suppose to play like guardian and by the pictures you can tell that it won't even be close to living up to it.

    No ones a baby, you need to face the facts and start interlocking everything if you want people to take you serious. Even the stuff that could go without interlocking. Right now it's hard to take you serious as a forger, when on parts of the map it looks like you spent 5 minutes. Forging isn't very hard, it just takes time. Learn patience and that will do you wonders.
  20. Cal

    Cal Ancient
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    I personally, don't understand the point of recreating a map that is on the same game... I mean, why play this when you can just play normal guardian...? I think it doesn't really belong in MLG, but rather in Aesthetic maps...

    But concerning the map, i think that it is a fairly accurate remake. But by looking at the pictures, i can see some parts of the map that are missing... eg. in bottom mid there is a place you can fall in at mauler spawn...

    Nice work, an update with all recent posts considered would be terrific. If you do decide to make a remake, message me and i would be very grateful.
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