I hopped in campaign and played the storm for fun. I got some pretty nice pictures. btw there all unnamed.
Hey donii, how u doin? Anyways.. I only like the first, it seems like the best... Also the second is to.. well white around the focal, I dont know WTF the judgement one is suppose to be lol, and the last one is kinda boring. Storm isnt good landscape shots lol. OH and ps: I saw the first before anyone lolz.
I get the judgement one, I find it funny. All the dudes with rockets on the mongoose are about to shoot the banshee, get it?
The first and last are the best. And of those, the last is best. I love lanscape shots so... Anyway the dirt clouds make the first look really neat.:squirrel_rocking:
The first was kind of cool, just from the mud being thrown up. But the only last one had to be the best of all of them.