Sandbox BlackHole

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by BraveDave, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Created by BraveDave
    Supported Gametypes:
    NoName- Infection (my fav)

    Map Description Hey its BraveDave with my first map ever!!! I was a bit rushed to post the map so there were a lot of issues that I noticed after I had posted the first version. Things like the hole getting blocked and spawn killing other people. I also decided to change the vehicles from Warthogs to Ghosts. Everyone is also given there own starting area so there is no spawn killing. It works much better this way because you can go much closer to the hole without dying. The new version has fixed all the problems you all pointed out to me.

    NoName- NoName is an infection variant where the aim of the game is to not get pushed into the hole. The infected are armed with gravity hammers so stay out of there way. Its starts off with only one infected aka the Alpha Zombie. He has 200% speed and 75% gravity. Anyone else who gets infected have only 25% speed and i really high gravity. They act as anchors that the humans must avoid. Use them strategically. You can slowly corner off areas of the map. Once you have a decent party size (5-9 players) it can be lots of fun. Srry about the name couldn't think of anything to name it.



    Me at starting area


    Sucked into the black hole

    Alpha Zombie Starting area

    The beast has been released

    The gravity hammer at work

    Harry Potter

    Run away

    Thanks to everyone who helped me make the map and everyone who downloaded and provided feedback. Remember to Download, Rate, and Comment

    Download BlackHole

    Download NoName
    #1 BraveDave, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  2. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    This looks amazing! The smoothness going into the hole is perfect and it looks like it would be a LOT of fun! I like how the objective is towards the middle so people would have to risk going in to the hole to score points. Really good idea. Well done.
    #2 Crippled Hobo, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  3. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    This is very, VERY smooth interlocking! I'm surprised this is your first map, I can't wait to see your second! At what point will a warthog no longer be stable? I'm aware that with enough momentum, you could drive right along the event horizon and back out, but at what point is stopping dangerous?
  4. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Holy sh*t! This map is amazing! I actually thought of this idea once, but there was no ways i could pull it off! But you achieved the impossible! Like Crippled Hobo, I also love how the hill is so close to the middle, which makes it hard and risky. The infection variant sounds real fun to, hammers were the perfect choice, man. The only thing I'm worried about is f*cking interlock-flashing everywhere, which really bothers me. But I'll just have to wait and see. 5/5, rated 5*, and qued for it's permanent place on my hard drive. And considering this is your first post, you have a bright future of countless features. AMAZING JOB! I would be offended if this wasn't featured...

    EDIT: No interlock flashing! This is staying on my hard drive! Just one thing, for some odd reason, the censor doesn't allow you to name your map BlackHole, so the file name is Blam!. I renamed it Ring of Fire for myself ;-). Anyway my rating remains 5/5 and a definite feature.
    #4 jameslieb1, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  5. kingstick07

    kingstick07 Ancient
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    Damn! This map is amzing! Smooth, great gameplay, completely original. jameslieb1 said it all. I give this 5/5.
    #5 kingstick07, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  6. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    OMG!!! u dont understand how badly i want to hurt u!!.. god u stole my idea im in the middle of making a map just like this!!! godd!! what the heck man cmon. i guess ill stop and go back to finishing my team slayer one.. but nice job this is really smooth and fun looking.. obviusly its gunna be fun cuz i though of the same idea for a map.. great job.
  7. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    Wow! that looks like a brilliant map! o_O i wanna dl and play immediately!... he interlocking looks smooth and the hole- neat... 5/5 for both creativity & forging looks :) great map o_O
  8. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    interlocking only flashes in forge for custom it doesnt

    This map if F**king amazing probably they smoothest interlocking ive ever seen and it looks to be a great game trying not to get pulled in.
  9. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty dang cool my friend. there are hundreds of lava-pit maps out there, but i think this one is probably the most relevant; the idea behind it is great.
    and to top it all off, its so simple that anyone can get into it! im downloading fo sho.
  10. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Dammit! I'm in the middle of making a map exactly like this :((((( super sadface. Aw well, hafta say this looks good dude, should be a lot of fun. I think mongeez would be better than hogs though.
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Well I guess there's no point in saying great interlocking since everyone already has =D Although, I do want to know whether or not the zombie runs fast enough to spawn kill the humans before they can even get out of the starting area?
  12. The Zombie Horde

    Senior Member

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    This map looks very nice indeed, really good interlocking and very neat and smooth. Will dl and tell about all the fun that i had later!
  13. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Nice map, original idea (I have never seen any map like this before, only thing it reminds me of is the blender which is not very similar). I suggest putting the warthogs/mongooses around the map so people do not spawn right next to eachother, that just leads to chaos. Maybe put some trip mines near the center, that would be insane!
  14. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    The map looks solid and fun. Very nice interlocking there, it looks very smooth and clean, and has no z-fighting. Got to say this is going to be a whole lot of fun. I've played some warthog in the hill games, one just got featured, but I say yours does come close to the competition. One thing I don't like though is the starting place. I mean, that's just assassinations/camping at the start. Make more starting places, like have 3 or 4 altogether, and make a non-camp-system, maybe the rest of the killballs, grav lifts, or man cannons? Just with spawn killing out of the way, this would be so much more fun for people. I can totally see this having a battle with skyline for a super epic hog the hill map. Wonderful job, Dave.

  15. hpbuttons

    hpbuttons Ancient
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    I had an idea of making a map somewhat like this but never did, cuz honestly that hole would have been really hard to make.

    I'm really glad to see that you did follow through with it and from the pictures it looks done very well

    download from me
  16. Viktor Maxwell

    Viktor Maxwell Ancient
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    Played the King of the Hill version with a friend, and while we both LOVE the idea, we were quickly forced to forge in some Mongooses (mongeese?) in place of the Warthogs. The problem was that we were getting Hogs stuck in the hole, they weren't getting destroyed, so they weren't respawning. Now that we are using the Mongoose, we haven't had any get stuck, and it remains quite fun and fast paced.
  17. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Thanks to everyone who downloaded and commented. The feedback im getting is really good. The map post was a bit rushed and i didnt really get time to test the game types at all. I will make a V2 soon with all the problems fixed. Keep the feedback coming
  18. McPebbles

    McPebbles Ancient
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    um the red hole
  19. TyIsSOFLY

    TyIsSOFLY Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks really cool and smooth.Ill DL
  20. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really great map man. Very original concept and overall looks amazing. I enjoyed the PointOfNoReturn gametype a lot more than the zombie gametype but both were fun.

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