Made By: Joe Cool 58 Secret of Onyx is based off of the end of the book Ghosts of Onyx. This map has been specifically set up for one flag CTF and one bomb and is best played with teams of 4 to 8. This map now also supports all the other gametypes. *SPOILER WARNING! If you haven't read Ghosts of Onyx and don't want the ending spoiled for you, then don't read this paragraph!*As stated before, this map is based on the end of Ghosts of Onyx. It's during the last battle where the Spartans have to hold off the Covenent from the top of the hill and keep them from getting into the slipstream portal. They fight until the last second until they go in themselves.The portal then closes keeping them in and the Covenent out. This is pretty much what you are doing in this game. The defenders, or spartans, start on top of the hill while the attackers, or covenent, start around the base of the hill. In one flag, the defenders spawn at the top of the hill while the attackers spawn at the bottom. The defenders have to keep the attackers from getting into the portal at the top of the hill. Around the base of the hill are thirteen fins. A covenent weapon is placed on the back-side of each of the fins while human weapons spawn on top of the hill to keep with the theme of the book. If the attackers are able to get through the portal, they will end up on the other side located on the main floor of sandbox. From there, they must go into an old forerunner structure to grab the flag. Then they must bring the flag back through the portal and take it to the capture point. If the flag is taken, then the defenders will begin to spawn in an old ruins on the opposite side of the map instead of on the top of the hill. I did this so that the defenders wouldn't just sit on the other side of the portal and kill the attackers as the came through. It is pretty much the opposite for one bomb. The attackers must take the bomb through the portal and bring the bomb inside the forerunner structure to win. All of this would probably make more sense with pictures so here you go. This is the hill. The kill ball is harmless by the way. I just did that for aesthetics. [/URL] Other view of the hill. Notice the flag capture point in the bottom right-hand corner [/URL] This is the exit portal. [/URL] Here is the forerunner structure. [/URL] This is the ruins that the defenders will eventually spawn at. There are a few scattered weapons here as well. [/URL] An aerial view for a better idea of the main area. [/URL] And of course some action shots. [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] And, of course, the download. Download Here
Wow, this is a great representation. I loved the book, albeit there hasn't been a sequel yet, but this is amazing. I really think, however, that the attackers should end up in as big a sphere as possible to really match the book. And it sucks the hill doesn't go down :'(
i havent read the book but from what i can tell it seems that u did a great representation.. this is a great map and desigened well but is a lil bare could use some mmore asnstetics and stuff,,, but the gameplay seems awsome!!! ill dl to try it out
Lolwut? This looks really good(aesthetic wise, although I think it would have been better had you left no gaps in the exit portals by merging some more ramps in), Onyx was probably my my favorite from the series. At first glance, I had expected it to be just the hill in the crypt, and I think it would actually be fun for an infection map, if the spartans had to hold out on the hill for a certain amount of time, while fighting wave after wave of covies(consider that an idea?) I found it interesting how you made the killballs 'harmless' is there any way to miss the teleporter and die?
I never read the books, and I probably never will so I read the spoiler from what your describing in your spoiler this seems to be a great interpretation and the forging you did there was executed perfectly. Two questions though, is there any way to stop people from going up onto the sand dune hills in the middle layer of sandbox? And, once the attackers grab the flag and start spawning in the middle layer, is it possible to get back into the crypt to kill any more attackers that are going to go through the portal?
to be honest, i loved the book and i love this. it almst the same to what i imagined it while i was reading the book. anyway ill dl and give it a go
Awesome idea, that event is by far the most epic in all the halo books so this is a perfect concept for a map. Definite DL from me, nice to see someone who forges and also has read the books. Props. Well, there's been two prequels if that's what you mean.. Halo: Contact Harvest - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and more Halo: The Cole Protocol - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and more
from what i no the kill ball works like a power drain. if u throw it behind a wall it will only damage things on the side of the wall with the ball l l l l l l l l , , , O <---- ball in side the kill ball ............ , , , ... <--- wall l l l Ol l l l , , , l <----- kill ball fire that can kill l l l l l l l l , , , l <---- kill ball fire that cant kill hope this helps
plays really well I enjoyed it until the other team telecamped the rest of the game and prevented any flag captures. Please fix that maybe a gravlift or more spaced out teleporters. Once you fix that I'll give a full review.
I've just updated the map to hopefully fix this problem. I just needed to mess with the spawns a little. I made this map on Foundry a long time ago and did put it in aesthetics, but the people there said it should have gone in competitive... I just took a tube piece, stuck the kill ball inside of it, and took another tube piece and merged it together to make closed box. For the first question, no there is nothing keeping them from going to the dunes, but what's the point? The battle isn't over there. I'm not quite sure what you're asking on the second question. The portal can go both ways if that's what you're question is about. It would have to go both for the game to work. If that's not your question, then could you please clarify what you are asking?