Abstract These are just some randoms that came up when I took the picture. This was the combination of a flare and a spartan laser. The thin lines on the right are actually the silhouette of a spartan. Colours Unfortunately I cannot replicate this effect This was me batting a fuel rod with a grav hammer What are your guyses opinions?
I like your first 3 and your last 3. The colours are nice and vibrant, and they seem vectory. Nice job, guy.
Everyone says the first one looks like one of those diagrams/animations of a zit cream commercial. "Digs deep under the skin and cleanses the surface..." What does vectory mean? Ive heard of vectors but I don't know what it means.
Vectors usually simplify the image and they bring out nice colours. I was mainly talking about your second screenshot though. Meh example Spoiler
I can. I like "Abstract" the best, simply because of the simplicity of it. The rest are not bad, but definately stuff I've seen before.
4th from the bottum is best. I dont even like it that much. Your pictures, IMO, are to simple for my eyes. Many people may like them but theyre very vibrent [cept for the last ones] and i think they are way to bright.
This is just Outstandingly Brilliant A Spartan Outline in a light-filled passage of mysteries and mythological wonder... It's Bitchin!
Not to brag, but this technique has been used a lot better. Like here. I mean, it helps to actually know what you're doing and how to get the effect, though.