Well, first, if you would like to help me, please download, and spread it around and maybe put it on your fileshare :] Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share Some are bad quality because of photobucket uploads Nom, nom. Spoiler Also some of my better shots... Spoiler Tell me if you like 'em and want to see more! Thanks!
Spoiler I know they're not, but I lost tons because of...well actually I don't know why...The Halo gods hate mee! Moar... Spoiler Yawn I'm bored...
hmmm, the green ones. At first i though you did it on campaign, but then saw your armor These are all really good! Make tutorials so scrubs like me can take good shots
sorry for the late response, I've been in vacation in Cape Cod.. And erm...I believe there was a red light and then I put juicy on, or maybe gloomy, or maybe both, and then I ran by it, and at a certain angle in theater mode, it turns out like that!