Well, not to sound like a n00b or anything, I have gotten pretty good at screenshots, and I was thinking how people make them look professional, and I remember someone mentioning to me way before to take screenshots on widescreen mode? If anyone knows what this means or can elaborate on how to make them look more professional, please post here... If you want to look at my screenshots, My Fileshare is here And my haloscreenshots.net profile or whatever... Thanks!
Just put your settings on your console to Widescreen. If you are already playing on a widescreen TV, everything should seem normal, or stretch out a bit. If you're playing on anything even remotely similar to a box (420p, 720p) then changing it to widescreen on your xbox will squish the viewing area a bit. The advantage of leaving it on widescreen is even though your tv isn't widescreen, the pictures and videos you take will always come out widescreen. Widescreen shots usually have more area, and are more detailed than normal mode. And just so you know, i play on a 22 inch 420, and my screenshots have never diminished because of it.