Intro: Hello one and all to my new map I created for all of you. I give you AVP or Alien Vs Predator. I tried really hard to remake the movie.It is really close on accuracy. There's that confusing maze and sacrafical chamber. I did alot of testing for the infection version and VIP version. Overall I think I did very good on this map. Gameplay was fun and new to some people who never played a good VIP game before. During Infection it was scary and dark. Game objective: In the VIP version it is very self explanatory. The gametype is called The Rescue, so you must rescue the VIP or the predator in this case. In infection its a little different you the Marines, must survive for 2 mins and get out before the aliens kill you. Weapons: BR AR Bruteshot Shotgun SMG Spiker Plasma rifle Sentinal Beam Carbine Needler Magnum Vechicles: Warthhog Mongoose Hornet(escape vechicle) Equipement: Power Drainer Regenerator Grenades: Plasma Grenades Grenades Recommended player: 8-16 Now a 3D picture of the Kyrpt area... This should give you a good visual of the area. Heres the main level where the temple is. Had to take this pic in forge. Picture of the predator ship. Overview pic #1 Overview pic #2 This where everyone spawns and dies except the VIP. What to do if you are the vip and waiting for a rescue... Shooting laser for fun Look at me I'm hiding Mechanics: Mancanon in the wall so go up and down Zombies spawn. The aliens must wait for 30 sec's to get through the teleporter. The tube is annoying here you go up and down. What happens here is you must go for th tele at the very bottom. Also dont hit any corners coming down there is a grav lift to slow you down. Now for some random pics of the map: Chamber Straight or right side? Ruins Upstairs Maze enter at your own risk Custom spawn late if you touch it you become the queen very strong Die ***** Hell yeah we escaped awesome Gametype info: The Rescue VIP: 200% damage resistance 90% speed 100% gravity Weapons are laser and sword 3X overshield vechicle use VIP Team traits: 100% speed weapons: plasma pistol 150% gravity Vechicle use none Damage resistance 150 Damage modifier 75 Base player trait: 200 damage resistance 100 speed 100 gravity sensors on 10 meters force color black damage modiefer 50 weapons swords time limit 4:00 3 lives (aliens) 2 lives(human) 1 life(predator) Infection info: Trapped Infected: 150 DaMAGE RESISTANCE 100 speed 100 gravity sensors 10 meters force colors black bad camo damage modier 75 Humans: force color blue 110 damage resistance no recharge atack modiefier 100 100% speed 150% gravity Tips: move fast and swift protect VIP at all times VIP use spartan laser to kill queeen fast aliens set ambushes try killing humans before getting to VIP last but not least good luck. Download Here AVP (VIP version) The Rescue AVP2 (Infection Version) Trapped Thank you all for taking the time in testing I really apreciate it. Also to all that liked the game do you guys think I should create AVP Reqium? Please post your thoughts.
looks good but i would know what good is since this is a re-make of the film which i haven't seen. anyhow my mate told me the whole thing and from that id say this is pretty good this is simliar to it. does the layout change at all like in the film
Sadly know I couldn't change the map layout with the walls that move from the movie because I would have ran out but there is a confusing maze in the map. I personnaly focused more on gameplay and mechanics than actual movie remake. Overall do you think I should make AVP Reqium.
Original and nothing like most Predator maps Even though this gives Predator a different feel it doesn't seem that good. I did not download the map myself. I went over to a friends house and he had downloaded this. So we played around with it ourselves and we didn't like it. One thing that I really don't get is how the game is played. Especially saying there is no game variant.