Hey everybody, I just got the three new Mythic maps and I decided to leak 2 pictures. They are of me in the same place but just to show you that I have the maps. By the way, they are great. I especially like Longshore.
If you are going to photoshop something like this, you could definately pick a better filename than "omgheretic". >.>...
I saved it to my computer and renamed it so i dnot care what you say cause i have maps before you haha
You decided to leak two pictures? OH, THANK YOU!!! Nice try. You're not fooling anyone. You went on Guardian and took a screenshot facing outwards into the "green screen". /facepalm
How about a different angle then the screenshot that was leaked on Bungie. Anybody can photoshop this. Next time try harder. If you really have the maps, take a screenshot at a different angle or different place. (inb4thelock)
I was just going to point out how the reticle seems to have a mind on it's own, and how the sheilds are a bit... off color.