I'm going to make a list of classic movies that you should see. Feel free to contribute. By classic I don't just mean "classic" movies, I would also like to have well quoted or just plain awesome movies. Also I'd like to include if they are part if the watch instantly on Netflix, so if it says Netflix next to it then it is. Bananas Dr. Strangelove (Netflix) Anchorman Pitch Black Ghostbusters (Netflix)
How is Anchorman a classic its only 5 years old. Its good but its not a classic yet. Jurassic Park Terminator Saving Private Ryan Groundhogs Day The Lion King Die Hard Bladerunner Raiders of the Lost Arc The God Father The Sixth Sense The Matrix Schindler's List Reservoir Dogs Braveheart
1. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels 2. CUBE ( Whole series) 3. Mad Max ( Whole Series) 4. Goodfellas 5. Godfather 6. Pitch Black Draw the Line, Children of Men isn't old is it?
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail 2001: A Space Odyssey Lord of the Rings Bourne Identity Any James Bond except Quantum of Solace and the new Casino Roayle Akira Iron Giant
Boondock Saints Gran Torino(this one everyone should watch at least once) Ocean's Eleven Appaloosa Gangs of New York American History X Mystic River A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints(very good movie) Enemy at the Gates The Departed Sorry if I repeated any.
12 Angry Men Kill Bill 1 & 2 Pulp Fiction Star Wars ( Original Trilogy ) The Jungle Book Silence Of The Lambs The Exorcist A Clockwork Orange Apocalypse Now The Deer Hunter
Snatch is a epic film in my opinion. Its funny, with brillant comic timing and altogether excellent. Although it might just be British Humour but either way worth a watch. I agree with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Its by the same director as Snatch and is just as good. I'll get a few more in later.
Kung Pow (very stupidly funny) Jaws (Just a great old movie) Saving Private Ryan (Great war movie) The Killing Fields (very touching... yet violent) Alien and Aliens (very classic sci fi horrors) Dodge ball (very funny)
oi, grif you should compile all these in the original post. It would be neat to see a community list of quality movies. Full Metal Jacket Being John Malkovich Snatch The Big Lebowski
Probably not a good idea for a community to pick quality movies... because a movie like Corkey Ramano would end up on there... lets be honest... the masses have terrible taste in films.
wow a lot have been said. - eskanaba in da moonlight - leprechaun ( all of the) really funny cheesy scary movie -the oddysey( not sure how you spell it) i thought it was a great movie -ferris buelers day off -the princes bride (cheesy movie) -im gonna seceond monty python cause its great. -ill also second kung pow that was sweet too. I'm kinda brain dead right now so I can't think of any good classics...
Hmm... I don't watch many movies, but there's a few that are great: Taken The Dark Knight I Am Legend Defiance Transfomers All great movies filled with action.