This map plays very play I remember play testing it with you. All the merging and interlocking is superb. I also like all the little jumps you added, some of them are kind of tricky though. This map has very good call outs and the right amount of weapons placed in good locations. The only issue I have with the map is when people got onto top mid, but it looks like you fixed that problem. Also when we played CTF it felt like we spawned to close to your teams flag, other than that Good job on all the forging, can't wait to see more from you. 5/5.
Wow the map is epic, flawless forging and seems very well thaught out, reminds me of sanctuary but contains enough origional content to make it unique. However i do feel it is a little too open on the ground level but the map is geaorgous and well concived 4.5/5!
I finally got a group of 8 to run some customs on it. We played KotH and Bomb for the first time, and they both seemed to work really well. I'm really starting to get the sense that this map would be really good for highly skilled teams; I think if you were coordinated enough you could come up with some nasty set-ups. Games like KotH are somewhat chaotic if you have a pickup group playing the map, but if you had a group of Pro's playing I think the map would run totally differently. Spawns are confusing me a little bit... Here's a question. If you have a spawn point that is inside of two respawn areas, one enemy and one neutral, what are the changes you could spawn there? I spawned in this area once, which happens to be very near the enemy flag spawn... i might need to modify the spawn areas or just remove the spawn points within the overlap.
This map reminds me of the great halo 2 map Sanctuary. I love the middle structure and the corners. Your forging looks flawless. Very nice job my friend! 5/5
Great aesthetics on this map. You perfectly forged the purple light, and that is alot harder than it seems. You forged it also another two times using the powerups, wow. Besides that, I'd have to say everything else is finely tuned for MLG. I always like tactical jumps, and this level doesn't disappoint. GOOOD JOB. 5/5
Thank you for the positive feedback. Yes, those purple lights took me a long time to do, and they actually could be *more* perfect. If you can't tell, I'm a perfectionist.
a beautifual map with great aesthetics all around and a great layout for greeat gameplay. i also like how u added trick jumps into the map great job
Usually im not a fan of maps in the crypt but this one looks exellent. The round donought shaped roofs really looks awesome.
wow. this map is amazing. as far as i can tell the forging is asthetically perfect and the gameplay looks solid as well. nice job man 5/5 download for sure
Envious, much? I really like how this map looks, as well as it plays. One of the few MLG maps that I actually like.
I see the picture and i say im gonna donwload this map !!! No for real the map are creat the base are the same in each side the midle structure are creat with some windows and the purple are very good because the two team can go to it with no problemes !
Thanks for all of the positive feedback guys. I'm glad you like it! As always, I'm also open to constructive criticism.
Cool map for MLG, it has a pretty basic design. But has very good interlocking and smoothness throughout the entire map.. Maybe a MLG map on the sky bubble with very good asymmetrical design would impress me.. still good map 8/10
I did like this map concept, but you executed it a little short of my expectations. but i did like the jump ups on the middle structure, and the window feel when you arrive in the middle after the jump up0, so 3.5 out of 5 for me