Epsilon Eridani

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Aschur, Jul 10, 2009.


What does it need?

  1. More asteroids

  2. Expand the bases

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  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The closest star to our solar system known to have a planet. Supposedly a gas giant, this planet seems eerily similar to our jupiter. Now the question remains, are we alone out here?

    Update: more pictures+ a view on the new big asteroid.
    Another view

    And a view of how far from base to base it is (edge of skybubble to the opposite edge)

    I will update as things are added or changed, although as it stands I am about 5 objects away from the object limit.

    I hope to release it soon, it will support everything except ffa gametypes. Please tell me if I should add anything in the final version.
    #1 Aschur, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  2. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
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    I think you may have confused Epsilon Eridani with the Rubble out of The Cole Protocol

    Looks like an interesting map although you would need to get some well balanced gameplay
  3. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    Well, I can't see much. Turn off all the filters for you pics. The map looks average though. Banshee and Skybubble usually do not mix. I would remove it. So I guess it is good for originality.
  4. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Looks nicely simetrical. What type of map is it going to be?
  5. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    i like the idea and loads of asteroids would be awesome. just a question but did the idea of this come from the halo: Fall of reach book becuase i think Epsilon Eridani is mentioned in there somewhere?
  6. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I like the idea, but it doesn't look like you can land anywhere. For the final version, maybe enlarge the entire map more so larger asteroids (that you can land on) would fit in. I think overall the map would play a lot smoother if there was some breathing time if you understand what I'm saying.
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, this is based off of the actual epsilon eridani. I haven't read any of the halo books but if it is pulling a close resemblance to something in one of them, it may be easier for me to switch stories.

    Rebelcow: the removal of the banshee would ruin what I have going here. It is an air combat map with parts you can/have to do on foot.

    Natu: Heavy air combat/anti air ground combat.

    Belly391: I haven't read any of the books.

    AmericanPsycho: I'm planning on fixing that. Right now you can land in the bases (when vehicles are gone), on the extended sides of the space stationy thing, and when the normal hornet is gone from the middle on the station you can land up there (if you're careful). As to the asteroid thing, I wanted to do something like that but I'm getting dangerously close to budget max and I don't want to glitch the map. So I will do it if my budget permits me to, otherwise, sorry.

    And just so everyone knows, it is dark because its outer space. And it is supposed to be a system of stars with epsilon eridani in the center.
  8. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    It needs more asteroids to make the ground vs air battles fairer because theyd have more cover and so its harder for the vehilcles to maneuvre. It'd also be great to see a hornet totally dominating you then it crashes into an asteroid to knock it in another direction ^^
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm sorry, but the majority of combat will be in vehicles, so making it harder to maneuver would affect everyone. Ground-air combat will be from the bases and the station.

    So if I add more asteroids, itd be more as either obstacles, or as landing places.

    There is only one hornet, the ones in the bases are transport ones.

    I have updated the OP with more pics.

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