CnC please. Edit: There is a widescreen border, but it is barely visible for some reason... I will fix it soon.
First of all, great depth, as always . I love the text, and nice use of effects as well. One thing bugging me is the lighting: the Background is incredibly bright, whereas the focal (which is closer to the light source) is darker. try darkening the background a tad, I think it will look better.
I tried darkening the background, but it really made the colors look burned and nasty... So instead, I lightened the airplane. It kills the contrast if you do it too much, so I didn't go overboard, but here is V2:
I'm no graphics expert to be honest, but in my opinion, the small red blotch on the tail of the front plane is distracting from the main plane. Maybe tone that down a little bit so it's still there, but you don't get distracted by it.
Oh I didn't even notice that part when I was making it, but now that you pointed it out that is the first thing my eye goes to lol... I will fix it.
It is a stock, but I also rendered the focal plane so that its there twice, once as a render and once on the stock.
OK. Try a dark gradient map or photo filter over the stock but under the render and see if that helps. Mess with the layer settings and opacity as well. If it doesn't look any better leave it as it is, it's good either way