Sandbox Contour

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by AlexIsCoool, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    So I needed a way for people to read my description as well as look at pictures. Video.

    YouTube - Contour

    Welcome to Contour by AlexIsCoool. The first thing you will notice when you load this up is the round shape of the map. When I designed it I wanted it to be interesting to look at as well as play on.

    The most memorable feature of this map is the crypt hole. Instead of sealing it off I integrated it into the map by merging a wall into it. You can crouch in safety of its shield door, or stand on the ledge to shoot out from.

    The gameplay in this map is very fun. This is because of the unique weapons on the map. The map only has 2 BRs. You're thinking that it must play terrible. But as bourban suggests, BRs overpower every weapon at a given range. When everyone has access to BRs everyone uses BRs. And they can get boring. When people don't have access to BRs they go for different weapons. Weapons like SMGs and Bruteshots become useful again. People do not go for BRs because they are fun, they go for BRs because they are good. My map has variety. It is like Fiesta without the random luck weapon spawns.

    So if you don't believe me, download it and try it for yourself, and if you agree- look out for any other maps by AlexIsCoool.


    Download Here
    #1 AlexIsCoool, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  2. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Could we please get an overview? It is difficult to see what kind of map this is. At first I thought it was a BTB map!
  3. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    The second picture is an overview of most the entire map. But I will go take a picture from the sky bubble.

    And its very small so it is best played with 3v3 or 4v4.

    Ignore the teleporter in the center, I needed that to get into the sky bubble to take the picture- I didn't really think that one through....
    #3 AlexIsCoool, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  4. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Nice map! Is it only a Slayer map, or is it usable for oneflag ect... It would probably be better as a 1v1 map, its very small. I agree about the brs bieng overpowering too.
  5. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Thanks for posting the overview, it is not much easier to see what the map looks like and make a better judgement on gameplay. I think there should be another entrace to the room to with the lights in it though, unless that is a two-way tele, as otherwise that bottleneck will promote camping.
  6. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Indeed, there was a lot of camping on the bases when I tested it. Especially since there is a perch with a sniper spawn outside of their base. But I solved it by putting a sender inside each base. Each sender leads to their own 2 receivers. (A total 2 senders and 4 receivers).
    AND, there is a bubble shield and brute shot spawning inside each base.

    It plays objectives, yes. And the best game possible is oddball when you factor in the crypt hole.

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