Thank you ForgeHub for providing my friends and I with clean, smooth, and amazing maps to play on. I write this because after playing the Bungie vs The World playlist I have lost all hope in Shishka and his ability to decipher complete crap from brilliantly constructed maps. Sure a few ForgeHubs maps made the "cut" (if you want to claim Shishka's opinion as valid) and they were easily identified from the complete garbage that comes out of Atlas. Honestly with maps like Smashed, Vindictive, Anvil, Wastelands and all the other trash that has somehow made it's way into matchmaking thanks to the 100's of precise tests Shishka preformes before placing maps into Matchmaking it's nice to know there is still a place I can constantly find preminum quality. So once again, Thank you ForgeHub for making sure the best Forgers and maps are always available at my finger tips when I get sick of playing the garbage that is know as MatchMaking.
Great maps come from great forgers and of course the very helpful tester's guild. I do agree many of the maps that made it into matchmaking did not deserve to make it in there. I do not know why they made it there, because of the horrid gameplay. Forgehub is a great place to be, the community, the maps, the staff, all together a great forging community.
It was a once in a lifetime thing. They put maps in there regardless of issues just to give the fans something that most of them wouldnt normally accomplish. I think it was a nice gesture. Trust me, most of those maps wouldnt have made the atlas cut normally, and its not our place to decide whats perfect. Custom games is always where we decide what we want to play.
Yes I never would have had all of the fun of minigames if it weren't for ForgeHub. I would probably be playing duckhunt still if it weren't for all of the great minigames created in Forgehub. I would have also never forged without forgehub because I don't really see any other good forging tuts on the internet. lol
wow after getting off work and having that "useless piece of sh*$" feeling you make me feel important again. I'm gonna go forge. And amen for a community that makes it worth my time.
It really does make it feel like a big waste when you spend all your time making maps and then to see things like "paranoia" get into matchmaking for a day.
Even though I've just arrived at ForgeHub, I can already tell how amazing it truly is. Before coming here, I had never even heard of "teardrop merging". Now it's the only way I geo-merge.
You and the rest of the community keep making these amazing maps and I'll keep giving them the playing time and credit they deserve.