Sandbox Desert Warefare

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DeatH to FooLs, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    This is what i decided to do, make a real map.
    Its name is Desert Warefare, Its once again based in sandbox.

    Ive tried to make it more balanced, and make more points of interest, therefore more points of action.

    Map Overview

    Base #1


    Vehicles #1

    Vehicles #2

    To get to Vehicles #1 and #2 you need to find the secret grav lifts scattered across the map, and get yourself up there. Smart halo players should know the other way to get up there.

    Also, each base has two energy swords, one in sight, one hidden.

    Anyone on forgehub will know where they are though, ive decided to tell you. In each base, there are ghosts. When you get on the ghost, you start to hover, now the thing is if you take off without looking behind you, youll miss the energy sword. In base 1, its under the left ghost when you looking at the front end.

    I think this map deserves a better rating, because i made it more balanced, and i tryed this time. I hope i get more then a 3/10!
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I'm sorry dude. I usually try not to be that negative This really isn't a map at all. You clearly like Halo 3. Maybe forging isn't your thing. If you want it to be your thing though you can study some of the tutorials HERE.

    There is no balance, no cover, and really no point to this map in it's current form. Even if you don't make an incredible map, at least try and use the majority of your budget. I would start there. It looks so sad with only a few lonely walls out in the middle of a vast wasteland.

    Don't give up......but you really have to take a look at some of the other maps on this site to get an idea of what people are creating.
  3. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Thats Productive critisicm for you retards here who cant provide it :S.

    Forging isnt my thing, and i cant make anything like some of you guys, idk. Mabye i should try making a minigame map or something.
  4. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    My suggestion is that you find inspiration from another map you've played in a first person shooter (be it Halo or some other game) and try to recreate the experience through building another map.

    I also suggest you try Forging on Foundry or in Sandbox's Crypt - the large, open spaces of the Main Tier and the Skybubble are extremely intimidating, especially for new Forgers.

    Most importantly, don't give up on the Forge! It's an insanely powerful tool that will eventually allow you to do things you once thought impossible. Provided that you're dedicated and you apply yourself to learning the trade, I'm sure you will improve. :D Remember that Forging is far different from other Halo 3 custom content fields - Forging a map takes an extreme amount of patience. If you plan on building a map in an hour, you're out of luck, sadly. :( The time commitment is worth it in the end though!

    If you need idea help, hit me up! ;) Good luck with your future endeavors.
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Here's a couple of pointers for you...
    1.) For straight walls, you should use blocks as bracers. Place a block down where you want the wall, and place the wall flat up against the block. That should give you as straight a wall as possible... assuming the block you're bracing it with is flat in the first place.
    2.) Depending on how good you want to get with forging floors and roofs so that they are level, here's a couple of pointers.
    - If you want to do the lazy method, just lay down blocks and place the walls on top of them.
    - If you want a cleaner look so that all blocks and pieces are uniform in height, place two columns on it's side and stack them on top of each other vertically. Place a wall on top of that and it should be exactly the height of a block so you can have a smooth walk across.
    3.) To get floors flush with walls, use bracer walls again. If you put a wall flat against a block, you can use that block to place the floor against.

    Those few things will help out your buildings dramatically.
  6. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    I Appreciate everyones help, im going to keep posting maps til i get it right, and i hope you guys dont get tired of reviewing my horrible maps :D
  7. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    No, make more maps, post only the best of them. You always need to evaluate wether it is worth posting or not. I only post 10% of the maps I make. Rest goes on my file share for those interested in my work.

    And everyone started out making maps like yours. You would be surprised how fast you can get good at forge.
  8. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Well im making a new infection map, based on the **** Zombies map, Verruckt. The Maps Scenery will not be the same all around it because the map is so big on **** and Doody Sammich ( :p ) So im gunna give it a go, and mabye ill post it if i think its worth posting.
  9. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    dude im sorry and i don't want to come off as a **** or anything but this map isn't good and is very unbalanced and pointless , i suggest using interlocking. also a thing i like to do is use double blocks to line up my walls which makes them almost perfectly straight which helps allot trust me. plus you seem to do what i do allot which is leave your map open waaaay to much . one thing you could do to help that is to use up your budget till you only have about 100$ left for weapons.
    hope i helped.
    send me a message on xbox live or send me a friend request and i can help you improve your technique(i read the thread you posted asking for tips)
    #9 12 inch winner, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  10. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Yeah, i know, my maps suck :D.

    Im getting help, from IndigoBeefie but if you could give me some pointers.

    May i ask (Newb q)

    How the heck to you Interlock?
  11. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    You'll find all the information you need from the forging 101 tab at the home page.
  12. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    its very simple actually.

    alright say you want to merge to blocks together.
    1. set the block down were you want it and press x on the box and the item info should come up.
    2. change respawn time to 180(or whatever you need)and change the option "spawn at start" to NO.
    3. Restart the round and move over to the area were the block is. if you did it right the block shouldn't be there. Now spawn a block and move it into the place were the other box used to be and when it respawns they will be interlocked! but make sure to change the option "spawn at start" back to yes after you interlocked what you wanted.

    it may sound complicated but its really easy once you actually do it. if you want a better explanation than look up some videos on youtube or there are some tutorials on this site.
  13. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Hey, I see that you're new here and that some members in a different thread gave you a tough time because you are new to forge. Don't worry about them because normally people post maps on FH who have been forging for a long time and know all the techniques and if someone comes by who doesn't know how to interlock or geomerge a FH troll decides to rant about it.

    Okay, with that aside let me get to the help.

    Interlocking Guide

    Advanced Interlocking


    Try reading those and see if you can understand them, if not try sending me a message over XBL(GT:Zackj191) and i'll help you best I can.

    Tips for making a better map:

    1) Playablilty - Kind of like drinkablity.. well maybe not. Playability is just as it sounds. how well your maps plays. Using balanced weaponry/vehicles for both sides usually helps players play the level better without thinking the entire time "Where are they getting those damn rockets!!!" If one side of the field of play has 5 rocket launchers and the other has 1 of course the side with more rockets is going to prevail. But if both side have 2 rockets each then they are more even. Try to balance vehicles as well. Unless the map is made for a one-sides(asymmetrical) variant such as one-flag making the vehicles on one side stronger is also a bad idea. Ideas such as covenant vehicles vs human vehicles usually also turns out bad because the ghost beats mongoose but becomes dominated by warthogs. Same for the warthog vs wraith vs scorpion.

    2) Aesthetics - What your map looks like. Using techniques such as interlocking and geomerging make your make look nicer. They can also make is flow and play better. This also applies to uninterlocked or geomerged objects. If you build a house that has a giant hole where a wall should be people will wonder why it's like that, or if the roof is part open usually people think it just looks sloppy. Try and make all your walls/boxes/scenery aligned with one another or at least try to make them so they arn't incredibly off. Using guides such as double boxes or double walls help with this aspect of forging.

    3) Replay/Continuation - How much will people like the map after a minute into the game? Is this a map that becomes boring after one second? To avoid having this happen to your maps try to make things not so bland. This ties in with aesthetics also. If you make a house don't make it empty, give the player something to notice. Adding a pallet leaning against the wall with a crate in the corner make the room just that much better looking. Most people don't notice this while playing but their minds register it as that house with a crate in the corner, making that room unique in its own way. Try to also have things that are fun to do. Such as using man cannons to move across the map instead of a teleporter. Flying through the air in a man cannon is much more enjoyable than just going into a teleported. It not only lets the player see the battle below but lets them shoot back and be a part of it while sailing through the air.

    That's about all I can tell you what maps from my perspective. I am sure that talking other forgers is a good idea so you can have the opinions of more than one person. Because everyone has different views. I, for one, enjoy Avalanche more than Guardian. I find the vehicles are more fun to drive than playing MLG FFA on MLG Guardian a thousand times. So, that's all I can tell you on this subject. I'm amazed I even wrote this... usually I don't even post here because I find it worthless, but for some reason you made me want to type this up. Always remember to keep trying and you will always get better(now I'm a philosophizer[Dodgeball reference anyone?]) and your maps will improve with practice. When I started forging I didn't even learn how to turn until about a week of straight forging! I can honestly tell you that it is incredibly painful to have to turn things by pushing them against rocks and walls, then have them just be blown up in battle(I started forging before immovable scenery, excpet weapon holders). I doubt you even read all that but if you did, I hope you have fun forging and become better than the majority of this site! Remember, don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you! (had to say it)

    And with that, I'm done!
  14. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    yeah dude. im gonna try to give you some pointers since you look new.

    1- plan out your map before you make it.
    2- use a decent amount of objects and money.
    3- use stensils that way your walls arent crooked.
    4- try to learn to conjoin. (place to objects next to each other, than take one object click X, put the Place At Start to No and 45 seconds. than start a new round, than in the new round put the other object inside the new one however you want it. Than take the first box and Click X, place at start yes) PS thats how we make our fancy looking maps, we use alot of that.
    5- Try to make it look as nice as possible and add detail.

    Soon youll want everything to be perfect and you will make some sweet maps.
    but if your content with making maps like this, go ahead. do watever you want.

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