I was looking through a game a long time ago just to see how this guy killed me, it turned out I got this photo instead and now it has seem to become a popular photo. Enjoy and Drink Responsibly [/IMG] Compare:
this is a cool screenshot. it looks a lot like the Captain Morgan's Rum! really good job for an action shot. but are you dead in the pic?
Well I was shooting the enemy(other team..)and I jumped up and reloaded and while in the air I was killed( thats why the knee is like that.
Apperently... But i do believe all it is is part of a crouch jump, but for the comparison thing, i lol'd
I actually do, but when I posted he didn't put up the comparison. Whatever. I still think that the screenshot is bad.
It'll be my pleasure. I wouldn't really wan't to look at this Screenshot all day. ;D Afro I think you should wait maybe 2 frames and wait till that little yellow spark(you've been shot ;D) disapears and take one after that. Unless your pose disapears.
Oh ya that tiny little yellow thing you can barely see ruins this already terrible screen shot right? NOT. I really like this screenshot, its funny, and its perfect how his left arm looks like its sort of resting on his knee. Idk if this is possible or to hard, but to have a pink spartan sitting on his knee would be hilarious (like in the commercial, if u've seen it. if u haven't it wouldn't be funny)
Lol yea that would be cool but this want really staged so I don't know if I could get it perfectly posed.
I just thought that it can be taken by anyone i mean I've seen so many poses like that. Simply because of a jump. And I have seen the Captain Morgan commercials. Usually the one with the guys fighting at the pool table .
Well than go look up Captain Morgan on Bungie.net and see how many pics you get....ugh if you're gunna flame just leave
I'm not flaming I'm explaining myself. You're probably the only one on Bnet that thought the pose looks like Captain Morgan. Surley it does... A little bit. I can't find the right word but your Screenshot is a little too obvious. You can easily find that pose in almost every game of Halo you can play. But you my friend are the first to realize that it looks like captain Morgan's legendary pose. So... Congrats to you.
Lol the would be awesome, I'll experiment around with it and see, maybe get the pink spartan on the knee...lol