Map Design The Ocho started out as just a grassy cross floating in the center of the Sky Bubble. As time passed by, some things were added and some removed. Ideas were put into place and then tweaked to perfection. A weapon layout was added and then revamped. Spawns were placed and the testing began. I took in as much feedback as I could get and honed this arena into what I think is an exciting map. The outcome is a competitive, symmetrical map with fast paced and rewarding gameplay. The finished map has eight outer sides, which is why I decided to name it The Ocho. I have put too many hours into this map, not only to make it aesthetically pleasing, but to also refine the gameplay. I believe you will find that my work is worthwhile when you give The Ocho a try. The Ocho has been updated. Updates include: -Rocket launcher clip reduced to 0 (it was supposed to be set up that way) -Plasma grenades set to 20 sec respawn -Removed magnums, moved BR from underneath base to Red/Blue corner -All z-fighting removed from the grassy area -cannot be escaped, fully enclosed now -overall; more clean looking, smoother floors -improved respawn system Please download the latest version below. Download The Ocho Here Recommended Players: 2 - 8 (4v4 works best) Supported gametypes: All Recommended gametypes: Team Slayer, Multi-Flag CTF, Neutal Bomb, Team KoTH Weapons Magnum: 2 / 30 sec. / 2 clips Battle Rifle: 6 / 30 sec. / 2 clips Carbine: 2 / 60 sec. / 2 clips Sniper: 2 / 120 sec. / 1 clip Mauler: 2 / 60 sec. / 1 clip Spiker: 2 / 60 sec. / 2 clips SMG: 2 / 60 sec. / 2 clips Rocket launcher: 1 / 90 sec. / 0 clip Plasma grenade: 4 / 10 sec. Bubble shield: 1 / 150 sec. Regenerator: 1 / 150 sec. Screenshots Special thanks goes out to: AceOfSpades0707, Agamer93, Benji 4611, Chipsinabox, DiiCKtator, Esorath, ForgeGod117, Iron Tusk, MeNaCe x TIGER, MickRaider, Mr Garfunkle, Satan130, Tartan Spartan, and Whats A Scope. Thanks for all your help testing, and thanks for all the feedback/advice. The Ocho has been updated. Please download the latest version below. Download The Ocho Here As always don't forget to download, rate and comment. Tell me what you like/dislike. Thanks for checking out The Ocho and be sure to check out my other maps if you like this one.
Wow. This looks great! You've obviously put heaps of time into this map, and it shows! The whole map has great aesthetics, and it's layout seems awesome for quick, entertaining gameplay. I think CTF on this would be a blast. Great job, mate. You've made an awesome map. 8/10. P.S., Nice effects on the pictures. Good to see you took the time to do that.
This looks like a brilliant small team based map. You have my download. Good use of tactical jumps and some good across map lines of sight.
This map has finally been released! Woot! There was a BUNCH of testing that went into all of the phases this map went through and I think it paid off wonderfully. The layout is superb and aesthetics are top notch. The flow works very well. Congrats Ehand on another great map.
Well, honestly this is one of the funnest maps I've played in a long time. Although the aesthetics are one of a kind, the incredible gameplay is where it all shows on the ocho. Immediately as soon as the match starts you have grenades flying from base to base and BR fire, due to the great line of sights found on this map. If you want to grab rockets be prepared to take a lot of fire because this map has great risk versus reward too. With the new edition of the back door jump it lets the map flow better as a whole. This is especially true of CTF, Bomb, and other objective gametypes. Overall this map is one of a kind and I definitely recommend downloading it. The extensive testing really shows in this map! 9.75 / 10 Fechure nao
Nicely forged, great aesthetics, and it looks like a great map. Just one question: Why did you call it The Ocho?
Awesome map! The aesthetics are amazing and the gameplay is even better! I love the main hallway, it gets seriously EPIC there. For some reason this remeinds me of Epitaph though... but much better. Nice job, this definently deserves a major feature ***10/10***
This map looks pretty awesome, and perfect for CTF or Assault. If only the grass wasn't so messed up using forge, or this would look so damn hot. You get a download from me!
Hey you finally posted it! The final version looks awesome and it looks like you took my recomendations to fix the jumps by the bases, added the rocket and sniper, as well as hopefully moving the hill locations. I'm excited to play it again with those changes..
Oooh... oooh... I played this! It was very fun and nicely laid out map... especially for objective. IMO, Neutral Assault and KOTH were great and the other gametypes played very well too. Slayer and Oddball were kind of meh though. The forging is good and I really like the use of those upside-down platforms in the grassy area of the map. And I see you raised that column too... good. Honestly, this is a great map. The many different routes provided either by tactical jumps or just normal pathways provide for a fast paced game. And the room to room action is a step away from most map designs seen today. Great job on this. Definitely could see this getting considerable attention. Submit it to ATLAS.
Nice. This map was really fun to test. I see you got rid of a couple stickies and raised the central pillar. Hopefully those changes make this map even more fun to play. My favorite part of this map is the block jump, which requires teamwork to get the objective up. you also took the time to make railings along the outside. good job!
Who just rated this thread five stars? I did. Who thinks the dance floor is constructed of pure awesomeness? This guy. Seriously, this map looks and plays amazingly. 5/5 as simple as that.
Wow this map is one of the most impressive I've seen and the aesthetics are just amazing! I think that a V2 could be made to improve gameplay by making height differences in the main cross hallway. That would really help spice up sniping and CQC on this map. Great job overall!
Man, I was getting tired of competetive maps because they were all looking so similar, just a wack of stone pathways. This one, however, looks awesome. You really got a great variety in your senery and the map layout looks great. I think asthetics are important in a map and you definately capitalized on that aspect. I'll download and play it, but my only concern is that, from the pictures, it looks like the green hallway floor sticks a bit above the stone floor. I know that's nit-picky but bumps in the floor are slightly annoying and can keep a map from being perfect. If the megre is smoth, howerever, then it's al good. Either way this map earns a 5/5 from me.
This map was the bomb during testing. It's very unique, and gameplay flows oh so well. CTF was near perfect, and even better now that you fixed the jump. KOTH was very fun, as was assault. The only gametype that wasn't the best was oddball, but everything else was awesome. The middle area provides a very unique aspect to gameplay, and there was no dead ends. Great movement and flow, not to mention a very nice aesthetic.
First map I've DLed in a while. Innovative design and great detail, I just hope the gameplay is as good as it looks. Great work, this map is awesome.
i like this you have some really cool structures to. this map has kinda a epilogue combined with cold storage design to it and i like that. i was working on 1 till my xbox got the red rings but ill queue it up to download.
Yes, like you said it always seemed like there were grenades flying by and little battles going on all across the map. Thanks again for helping out! Oops I forgot to put that in the post. Well, for some reason I had always wanted to name a map The Ocho, and this one happend to have 8 outer sides so...yeah. Yes I did make all those changes, and they were all good ones. Forgot to put you in the special thanks list, but I fixed that...Thanks again! Ahh ATLAS... I'm gonna need some more info on how to do that. And Benji...thanks for jumping in the other day when I didn't have enough testers. Thank you. I worked hard on the aesthetics of this map, but I worked even harder on the gameplay aspect. You are right about the grassy floor though, its only a slight bump (kinda like when walls shift after saving). Doesn't hurt the gameplay though. I did try to smooth over the wall floors, and it helped a little. Thanks again for all the comments!
It is a very good map and I had a great time testing it. (lol at my 2-4-1 snipe made your pictures . Although I'm not a big fan of small maps being a BTB fan at heart it played very well and was very smooth. TS and Multi-Flag were great, Neutral Assault worked well. King was pretty good but I think 3 hills (middle and 1 each elbow) would be enough. All and all I highly recommend for a DL to those of you checking it out. It is original and makes for great games.
I'm glad you put this up. Agamer was right when he continuously said that this is a good map. As soon as jump into this map, you fill engulfed by a grassy, wooden, stand, alien world. It definitely felt like something new. The design is truly an interesting one. It is simple, yet its complexity expands to a comfortable level. I joined in the middle of a game and instantly jumped into the action. I knew what to do although I had never played or seen the map. I managed to capture the flag without any confusion. After a few games, the layout felt like home. Confusion is kept to a minimum in most areas. The gameplay really flourished from the design. The map was just generally fun to play. I saw no balance issues and few issues in general. My biggest one has been remedied since my games on the map. I'd like to see more gametype for it, but I can't complain. Great job, ehand.