Alright. So I am saving up money for a laptop, but there are so many different kinds! I am currently looking for prices around $300-$400. I would love to hear what kind of laptops you guys bought and what kind I should buy.
First and foremost, what do you want to use this computer for? Is it for College, will you travel with it alot, or will it stay in one place most of the time, etc? Second, good luck finding a good laptop that cheap. They are more expensive than a good desktop, and are usually way worse. You shouldn't get a laptop unless it is necessary to have on your person alot. Such as a college laptop or work laptop. Trust me, laptops are just not entirely worth it to me if you are going to be keeping it at home.
With a laptop that cheap don't expect to be doing any serious gaming/photo editing/movie editing/movie viewing and stuff. Cause you just won't get it. But there are a couple of these small netbooks flying around nowadays that's a steal to check email and just browse internet and listen to music and ****.