The Halo Trilogy Is Over - Now Marathon Takes Over

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Bottlecap, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Lol sorry,yeah i was referring to brutes theory,ill alter that to make it clearer.

    And cortana will think herself to death in around 3 halo years or thereabouts.
    She would have to remain active to moniter ship activity in the sector meaning she would be active,thinking and so would die.
    Realistically she could not be in a marathon game as they cannot add a char to a remake.Then i would be some wierd hybrid and no one would be happy except those hiding under a rock long enough to not here any of these argumens of ever heard of marathon.
    And yes she is integral to MC pyche.
    In the books(which are licensed and can be altered by bungie)
    it goes further into this.
    In reading the books its easy to see that MC is slightly bonkers and when he doesnt have cortana it mentions how terrible he feels.
    Cortana being dead would definately cause serious damage,along wiht everyone else he knows and fought to protect....
    He'd be a bit more than a little bonkers then wouldnt he...slightly unable to be fighting in a war?
    Also 250 years from now (since it tells you the progress being made in sparten tech eventually spreading to the whole population of humans)
    Humans would be FAR more advanced and MC would be slgihtly...outdated....
    Think of a caveman coming into halo one and getting shot to pieces
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    First off, in th books and such it is known that super AI's like Cortana can with extreme difficulty can pass their "overintelligence" stage. It is also in the story that the humans encountered in Marathon fled from Earth before Halo was even over. These people would not have the same advancments as other humans and would have no knowledge of Master Chief's feats. Bungie could very well tie together the storylines, it isn't as hard as many of you are proposing it to be... Remeber Star Wars contiuation, yeah, MEGA plotholes and akward things, and they were overcome, so stop comlaining about Marathon continuation.
  3. Ryuuketsu

    Ryuuketsu Ancient
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    Please, tell me what makes you say this.

    I happen to also know that like 30 years or so before Halo even started, the spartans were making a huge difference in the Halo universe. So, chances are, they would have some of the same technologies that they have in 2552. Plus, Master Chief and the spartans were well publicized since they started serving in real combat.
  4. Ty

    Ty Guest

    The UNSC was galaxy wide. The Marathon was built on/near Mars if I remember correctly, why wouldn't the fleeing humans know about MC or Halo? That doesn't make any sense.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Didn't say they didn't know bout him, but they weren't around for the "grand finale", they fled. Plus, this is 250 years later, they wouldn't be too familiar with him anyway. Yeah, and the UNSC was galaxy wide, well I got news for you, Marathon ain't happening in this galaxy. And Ryuuketsu, you are not making any point whatsoever with the comments you are making. And Ty, I thought you were going to stop posting here and had given up...?
  6. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Basically what youv just said is "im right your wrong,**** off!"
    If your gonna be like that dont make a topic in a forum.
    You propose an idea,we pick it apart and challenge you to come up with a better theory.In that we all come closer to a truth.

    I for one did not like episodes 1,2,3 of star wars(the prequels before i confuse anyone)
    They weren't half as good a story as the originals and i only really watched them for the shiny special effects and the vaguely jiu jutsu combat.
    Also it is not said anywhere that smart AI's can overcome this "defect" anywhere,if your gonna claim something that specific give us quotes.
    Different galaxy?Then how'd he get there?The arks portal just randomly flung him at the marathon?Get real the forerunners are a super advanced race that staved off the flood for god knows how long,they would have had failsafes for a failing portal.
    I'd like to re-iterate my point that theres no way in hell his cryo pod lasted 250 years and a human civisation(lets completely dodge the idea that an alternative earth with the exact same species and surrounding planets can exist in the same iniverse) thats 250 years ahead of MC speaking fomr a fully relative standpoint would be far more powerful.
    The chief may be a one man army in halo but 250 years from then he'd be the equivalent of a katana today,stil dangerous but by no means a gun.

    Just look at how fast computers are advancing today,hell the xbox 360 was technically outdated the second it went on sale.
    If travel tech advanced as fast as computer tech did in the last five years you could travel form dublin to rome in 5 seconds,at the cost of one cent

    And you get at ryuuk for not adding constructive comments when you have yet to add any hard evidence other than these hints you vaguely referance,and TY is perfectly within his rights to change his mind once he realises he's not out numbered in this

    Also having just realised this after watching the legend ending again.
    It shows the sphere which you claim is the marathon right after MC regain consiousness after his rocky ride.Lets go ahead and assume cortana doesnt think herself to death and that the fabric of her programing doesnt degrade at all in two and a half centuries (keeping in mind in ffirst strike it says shes shafted her "life span" by absorbing the halo data)
    I somehow doubt bungie will continue the series with
    "MC:wake me when you need me"marathon which is supposedly flying by picks him up.
    "MC:What the?....its been what 20 minutes?!"
    "Oh yeah chief i didnt mention i checked the chronomiters and your were actually "unconcious" for 250 years outside the cryo bod,didnt age for any reason and im alive due to unknown cicumstances....didnt i mention that befo you re-froze yourself and i sent out a distress beacon that obviously no UNSC ships are goin to pick up because they'are all dead?
    ..........SOUNDS LIKE EPIC WIN TO ME!!!! /sarcasm

    And while im on this part.lets go throught the marathons crew's thoughts.
    "Hmm picking up half of an archaic ship,one life sign...moving in"
    "Huh its an ancient robot man and a neurotic 250 odd year old artificial intelligence"
    .......or have i "clearly not delved as much into the universe"as much as you and your aesome brother and vague theories to understand basic ranking system?
    Do you find a foriegn man on your beach and send him to run your village?No you dont.

    And normally i would argue with less stronger words but seriously,we have brought proper arguments to this and you have replied for the most part with

    i know more than you

    my borthers older than me and knows more than you

    "I" look at all this and "I" see these clues but i won't tell them to you becuase im awesome and god forbid i may be proven wrong if i reveal my sources.
    #46 Supa Midget, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  7. CovenantElite07

    CovenantElite07 Ancient
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    Halo discussions are awesome. I'd contribute to this but i'm way outgunned in terms of true storyline comprehension. Keep it up guys!
  8. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Hehe don't worry about it mat :)
    Smile and nod politely and everyones happy.
    Altho i would suggest reading the books or if youv not intention of that at least wiki the basic storyline,its quite fun debating online as you have total ambiguity if you turn out to be an utter plank :D
    *Jumps back into the fray with a chainsaw and a copy of "Ghosts Of Onyx"
  9. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Though in the halo book harvest it tells you that in cyro sleep it doesnt stop the aging process, it just slows it down, though there is a pretty interesting thread about this on which has some good evidence to back up his a your theroy
  10. CovenantElite07

    CovenantElite07 Ancient
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    Hey Midget, i've been doing some thinking about what you said earlier to the effect of "the ship not having enough power to last 250 years"
    I'm not exactly supporting the Halo-Marathon link but since i am into technical stuff, i got a picture that might help out the discussion. It's a really rough diagram of what i suppose makes up the part of the frigate that MC is stuck in at the end of Halo 3.

    Frigate Diagram
    #50 CovenantElite07, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  11. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    That is in fact the first halo-marathon theory i read but i think there are holes a plenty in it altho it is definately an interesting theory with alot of background research put into it.

    However as you said cryo sleep only slows aging and even so half a ship cant power something like that for centuries

    Why would they seemingly randomly make MC a security guard when he is technically a refugee they would know absolutely nothing about?

    If as this guy says the guy in marathon infinity can travel between universes surely MC would want to get back to his own?

    I ve already pointed out a good few unresolved issues in the halo universe such as the fact that since halo does not kill flood there are plenty left
  12. Ryuuketsu

    Ryuuketsu Ancient
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    Well, I'm sorry if you didn't understand my post. To me, it made perfect sense and was a counter to one of your posts. But thats my opinion. Which also brings me to my next point.

    I am honestly starting to think this thread no longer has any use. Pretty much now all it's turned into is an opinion fest. Sure, you can say something and back it up with your "facts". However, I haven't seen to many facts anymore. Supa Midget, I hate to say this, but what you have said about the ship not having enough power to last 250 years is still an opinion. The halo trilogy takes place roughly 250 years ahead of our time, we don't know how long some ship's auxiliary power will last, and Bungie hasn't mentioned anything about this, either. Seriously, whats to say that the auxiliary power isn't self regenerating? The part about them aging still, i cant refute, because its fact.

    Brute, the only two things I have seen you post with proof is that there was a sphere in the Halo 3 ending, and that the book stated that AI's can overcome their problem of thinking themselves to death, but even then, i don't remember that ever happening. You can't going around saying stuff like this:
    Thats an opinion. Opinions aren't credible arguments in a debate, unless you can back it up with proof. You also mentioned about posting an article from Game Informer with your proof. Where is it? It hasn't come up since.

    Unless you can find that article, or some new piece of evidence from Bungie saying exactly what your saying, and we all can see it, theres not much more that you can say.

    NOTE: This is all MY opinion. Don't take it as anything else.
    #52 Ryuuketsu, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ok, I didn't want to do this, but now I guess I have to. I will find the Game Informer article by the end of this weekend, then stop making futile comments on my thread..
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Thtas cool covenant and ive actually been looking for one of those out of curiousity.
    altho that thing on the top is the MAC cannon i believe as human briges are on the front.
    What im saying though is all the circuits would be shot form the separation and it would've taken a team of engineer to retro fit auxilary ones

    just imagine a circuit of a big square.
    the power needs to go all the way around or it wont do anything and the electrons wont move.

    Cut the square in half and that exactly what they'll do.
    Now a ship would be made up of thousands of these to regulate power.
    While there may still be a working engine/generater on board the circuit is broken and the energy can't flow meaning poor MC and cortana are relying on their supplies of AA batteries until someone picks them up.
    "It may be ahwhile before anyone finds us" is quite an ominous term which adds to brutes theory as a suspense builder but i dont think itd have that much power.
    GREAT JOB finding the pic thouh :)
    Nice and clearly labelled too :D

    And ryuuk your correct my one is just as much of a theory since we dont know how long auxilary power lasts,there are holes in mine too and as ive said if no one pokes and rpods at these ideas we'll never get anywhere.However ill point out it can't regenerate or restock the aux power as ive pointed out all the circuite making up the ships power grid are busted.Also the ship has been in pitched combat since it went through the portal so its very likely the back up power is not up to full.Still a guess but an educated guess.

    So brute birng your game informer article to the table,and well read it.We'll look for this "proof" that youv seen and if we find someting incredible we'll point it out.It shoulldn't be such a strain for you to bring real evidence to the table even my guess on the power is somewhat based on my knowledge of electronics.

    But ryuuk this really wasn't going to turn into anything other than an opinions fest.
    These marathon theories are the biggest argument since the "whats next!!!" arguemnts after halo 2's cliffhanger
    #54 Supa Midget, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  15. General Meaty

    General Meaty Ancient
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    Ok, here me out, I think Bungie won't move on from the Halo series yet. For one reason, Money! Bungie pulled in the big bucks from the Halo series.
  16. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    General Meaty, what you said was meaningless. The Marathon series would essentially be Halo, just a different name and a couple hundred years later...
  17. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    While i personelly dislike the idea,its very fathomable they could pull just as much money form marathon.
    Theres plenty of people who have no idea what marathon is,wouldnt know it was a re-make,ie an old game retrofitted to look like something its not and love what i'm sure is a great game.

    For the record this does not in anyway affect my opinion on halo ending and marathon replacing it.I mean the fact that first contace was even written is a fairly good point to halo NOT being over.
    However it may well be that they are remaking marathon fully ASWELL as a halo4 or equivalent.
    Obviously they dont tell the minion programmers all the facts form the beginning or everyone would know form the start and their cryptic awesomness is redundant.
    One guy tells a mate that he's prgramming part of a marathon game for bungie and that gets out.
    Some other guy reveals hes doing high-res graphics for the chief in an upcoming game and that gets out.
    Somewhere someone hears about both and decides since he's l337 in the programming know how assumes they are the same game and starts these theories.

    Lol itd BASICALLY be the same...
    lol just in a different galaxy 200 years in the futute with almost completely different tech,different enemies/aliens,based on a giant ship not halo's with adifferent name,plot and cortana would blink out of existence for as of yet unexplained reasons....yeah real similar...only thing left would be MC who by all logic would be a lunatic by then
    #57 Supa Midget, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  18. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I agree with midget.
  19. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    Wait, is marathon a FPS like halo as well? Will it havethe same gameplay?
  20. Ryuuketsu

    Ryuuketsu Ancient
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    Yes, Marathon is an FPS, made by Bungie before Halo. However, i wouldn't say they have the same gameplay. Similar, maybe (It's been awhile since i played it), but not the same. Oh, and Marathon was also a big influence on Halo.

    If you want to try it and play for yourself you can get the source here:
    #60 Ryuuketsu, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008

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