well glad you asked i finished it but i dont know if people really want it. i took a big leap in look ill post later but im busy now you know graduation time!!!!!!!!!
well i loved this one does the new map have the same feel to it you know city streets constricted to one area of the map itself. this map has a great look does it transfer well to the next one.
like solo said the map has several ways and buildings and 3 spawn areas for infected youll never know where they come from.
oh really that makes the premise of the map a little better to comprehend and it makes it look better too lol yeah ive liked since it came out.
the map itself it up to 707 dwnloads witch i have to take time out to thank all of you guy's for taking the time to test this map out honestly thank you.
This map is excellent for infection and is tons of fun. However too many of the buildings only have one entrance, making it perfect for the humans and no fun for the zombies. The grocery store for example, can be easily held down by standing at the entrance, maybe throwing a deployable cover and popping zombies in the head. IT's a great map, I'm just saying that the buildings need to be more accessible.
i finished a new map that has a more feeling like left 4 dead and it has a specific timer that make it difficult to servive do to the fact that wepons dnt respawn and the old map this one, it has reached over 725 dls so thank you everyone for your support.
This is like that Burger King map cross Ghostbusters. But without the fail. Sweet job on the Main Street bridges ^_^
thankyou i hope this map gets to Bungie Favs eventually and your guy's support really help i humblely thank you.
Your map Ok so i was wondering if u could delete sum1 from ur friends list or u friend request me because sum1 on bungie stole my account and gamertag. So if u could friend request me or delete a friend that would be great. The reason of the friend request is so i can look on ur file share and download all ur maps.
yeah i guess i could do that tonight ill delete one person and hopefully youll be ready to send me that request
:d hiello oops umh dude im sorry i think i missed it could u just friend request me. Sorry bout that.
thanks for all the support guys and if oyu want the full effect of the map make sure you download the gametype okay.