I must tell you, it was a complete accident. I was picking up a camo and that ring just popped up, extreme luck. Also, if you have a name for that shot, please be sure to tell me.
I feel like "Revolution" would work nicely for a name. Also, I was planning on composing a shot with the same ring effect.
So the effect just happens when an active camo is picked up? I didn't know about that one, maybe I'll use it too =P
i like the ring one, but im pretty sure it was just a glitch int he system or something cuz ive gone through the whole sequence of picking up camo and never seen in. no nades in first one and its good.
I assure you, that's what I was doing when it happened. As for the second pic, maybe I'll redo it. That name seems like a great fit. Thanks for the suggestion. Also, you're saying the effect has been discovered before? That's a shame, I though I was the first.